Dynamic placeholder content renders HTML as text string not mark-up
Salut tlm,
I have a
Snip[pets to follow: The Venue Select The Placeholder for the Address The Venue Model mutator Screen grab of the output attached Am I doing something fundamentally wrong? Or is this possibly a bug?
field that dynamically updates when a user a selects a venue to show an address.
However, the placeholder renders the mark up as a string when updating the content dynamically.
dynamically.Snip[pets to follow: The Venue Select The Placeholder for the Address The Venue Model mutator Screen grab of the output attached Am I doing something fundamentally wrong? Or is this possibly a bug?
Solution:Jump to solution
God I'm an idiot - I'm typing the return as
- change it to HTMLString
and all is good. Quack Quack, thanks for listening!1 Reply
God I'm an idiot - I'm typing the return as
- change it to HTMLString
and all is good. Quack Quack, thanks for listening!