Pass value from Modal form to Action on list page
I have a form modal on a list page triggered from a header action (not a table row action). How do I grab that value in the 'ListRecords' components action?
is empty in the action call
class ListIdeas extends ListRecords
protected static string $resource = IdeasResource::class;
protected static ?string $title = 'Menu Inspirations';
public string $pdfLanguage = '';
protected function getTableReorderColumn(): ?string
return 'position';
protected function getActions(): array
$default = parent::getActions();
$bespoke = [
->modalHeading('Download Menu Inspirations')
->label('Which language to you want to download for: ')
'en' => 'English',
'fr' => 'French'
return array_merge($bespoke, $default);
public function downloadPdf()
$data = [
$ideas = Ideas::active()->orderBy('position')->get(),
$locale = ''// how do i get handle to pdfLanguage
$pdf = Pdf::loadView('', $data);
return response()->streamDownload(fn () => print($pdf->output()), "menu_inspirations.pdf");
class ListIdeas extends ListRecords
protected static string $resource = IdeasResource::class;
protected static ?string $title = 'Menu Inspirations';
public string $pdfLanguage = '';
protected function getTableReorderColumn(): ?string
return 'position';
protected function getActions(): array
$default = parent::getActions();
$bespoke = [
->modalHeading('Download Menu Inspirations')
->label('Which language to you want to download for: ')
'en' => 'English',
'fr' => 'French'
return array_merge($bespoke, $default);
public function downloadPdf()
$data = [
$ideas = Ideas::active()->orderBy('position')->get(),
$locale = ''// how do i get handle to pdfLanguage
$pdf = Pdf::loadView('', $data);
return response()->streamDownload(fn () => print($pdf->output()), "menu_inspirations.pdf");
1 Reply
Ok I can access it via
unless there is a better accessor for it?