Accessing python Env in Railway
project Id : 0c7fec98-322c-4deb-ac9d-d61c6c0278bf
I am having troubles deploying my app because a module is missing in my environment
ModuleNotFoundError: No module named 'bidi.algorithm'
even though it is included in my requirements.txt,
how can i access the Virtual environment hosted in railway. so i can inspect its content.
thanks.5 replies
Need to access the localhost Ip of my service
Hi, good morning, quick question.
project id: 0c7fec98-322c-4deb-ac9d-d61c6c0278bf
In my development I am using
However in production I cannot use that Ip, so
should it be ws://${token}
or ws://${token}
thanks.5 replies
General Quick question, regarding Domain Name and SSL
my question is if I take a domain from a third party, will Railway still provide a SSL certificate for the new domain,
or do i need to get a new SSL certificate from the domain provider?
6 replies
Quick Question "Warning: Hard coded connection URL detected"
I have migrated my database, Now the legacy plugins display this message:
"Warning: Hard coded connection URL detected".
Should I use the updated database's
The thing is some data have been added to the legacy databases since, i did not update to the NEW *_url
If I use the new connection url, will I have the new data in the updated DB, I added since the migration?
Note: The reason I did not update to the new connection was because, during the automatic migrations it stated something like updating the 'url_link
(not specifically this but something like this), to the new database.
thanks.60 replies
Is there a way I can delete a table in my Postgres plugin
Hi, I did a stupid mistake and migrated a table that was intended for development to production, however when I tried to delete the table via migration, it did not get removed, is there a way I can remove the table from the Railways end.
8 replies
Hi I am getting a Server Error after a Django Deployment
my project id is: cdab7058-f689-4d5d-aff5-1ef5500ccf69
I have frequently used railway, and deployed to railway,
this time I did the usual however, I'm getting a the server error, I have connected the db to my project via the env variables. somehow the issue persists.
25 replies
fixing time zone from utc to localtime
my id is 93d1a87d-d4a4-4741-b068-fb19cbd10629
since railway app's servers set their time zone to UTC, I quarried db to serve the datetime and add +5 to the UTC time zone, however the changes do not get integrated in production server, in development it works as expected
following is my code snippet:
def get_context_data(self, **kwargs):
context = super().get_context_data(**kwargs)
utc_time= self.object.trip_date
local_time= utc_time.astimezone(datetime.timezone(datetime.timedelta(hours=5)))
context['time'] = local_time.strftime("%H:%M")
return context
any idea what is missing, thanks.134 replies