Regarding Django Celery/Beat
Hi, have few questions,
Project:id 3b509c5d-958e-4c88-9d76-73719c720d88
First of all, Celery and Beat works as intended however the
celery Service
and beat Service
are always in building phase is it normal? pls inspect the pic
Second, the "BOT" keeps working even Though I Stop all the Services, not including REDIS, is it normal behavior? pls inspect the pic
thanks.25 Replies
Project ID:
what makes you think the bot is still running?
its designed to send messages (periodically) to a telegram_bot, and it does . even though I stop all the Services except REDIS. Think it might be what's in the que ? and celery Service and beat Service are always in building phase ? is it as intended?
not sure, do you have it running elsewhere?
nop, dont think so.
alright, I'll have a look shortly
its for testing, its stopped right now, and this question please: "always in building phase ? "
looks like you fixed that per your second screenshot?
second screen shot, is the screen shot i took while the bot was working
i wanted to be sure, so i took it
right but there is nothing saying it's building anymore so that issue is solved
oh, pls check the first screen shot
its regarding building,
is deployed, yet bot_celery
and bot_beat
are deployingright but per the second screenshot, they are no longer building
unless you uploaded the screenshots in the wrong order?
second screen shot is where i stoped all the services
exactly, so they are no longer building, building problem solved
m sorry, so a celery task will be always building until i stop it?
sorry am I mistaken, does it currently say it's building?
it was this afternoon, i have stopped it as its for testing purposes, will try again and update tonight.
okay lets not focus on something it used to say
but you still think your bot is running?
ive just checked our internal metrics, there are no phantom containers running under that project
hi, now i have started the proj and its still going on even thoug i have stopped all the proj
proj id; bc2c3192-647a-4b8b-8bb1-cad5f091438b
the projects stopped and some services aborted m still getting the msg
there are currently no containers running under that project
on the celery service
can now pls check
please see my screenshot