Explore posts from serversscript in modalContent(view('qr-scanner.php')) not working
Hello I am trying to integrate this package into filament action modal
the console log in the script works only when called from a web.php route. the script doesnt execute when implemented through modalContent(view()). how can i solve this? any ideas would also be helpful. Thank you.
24 replies
resource in multiple panels
Hi, I am trying to reuse same model resource in different panels and display a slight different array of pages according to user.
In the resource getPages() the filament currentpanel and auth()->user() are not available. what am i doing wrong?
Edit: I have kept the resources seperate and the pages common. Then in the pages, i am passing the correct resource after checking auth. this seems to work. what would be the optimum way? It would be less code if filament() would work inside getPages()
3 replies
navigationitems override
Hello, I want to modify the url() in the navigationItem for a page class. right now they are set to static and cannot be overridden in a ListRecord class. I am trying to get Nested resource from this tutorial.
The list page works as in the tutorial but when I use it with getRecordSubNavigation, it gives this error.
Kindly help. 😢
trying to override NavigationItem gives the error
4 replies
custom actions dont trigger on table
What I am trying to do:
I am querying the data from a relationship and I need to update the pivot columns
What I did:
extended list record page
used table query for modifying query to relationship->getQuery()
My issue/the error:
Custom Actions dont work when using relationship->getQuery()
Kindly help.
Kindly help.
1 replies
Livewire error after updating to v3.2.15
I am getting this error after updating to the latest version on an EditRecord page. Kindly help
5 replies
repeater values for previous row
Hi, I have a Repeater for time slots where slots must not overlap and each slot's start must be after the end of the previous one. Kindly help me validate the code.
I want to get the value of the previous index in the json array for validation
2 replies
live() is not working on CreateRecord page but working in Resource page form method
bug reproduction repo
3 replies
opening modal on action button programmatically
Hi, is there any method to open to the button modal on page load/mounted
8 replies
Spatie translatable issue with Spatie Tags
Hi, the table switcher is not working correctly on Spatie tags list page, but working on view/edit page.
Reproduction Repo
temp solution
2 replies