@nuxt/devtools always references old install, cannot run generate
To Clarify, I had used 18.12.1 to create this project. I have checked my path, removed and reinstalled nvm, cleaned my ~/.zshrc, restarted, tried other projects, etc. I have deleted node_modules, cleaned the pnpm cache, searched my entire harddrive for possible symlinks, everything I can possibly think of.
I created a docker container using node:22-alpine, and was able to run the generate command, but for some reason, somewhere, something is trying to use an old version of nuxt/devtools and I absolutely cannot find where or why it would do that.
7 replies
Opening modal via a route
Digging into it a bit further, it appears Netflix is just doing this via a GET parameter, for example, on their search page, which fires the same modal window, but does not redirect the user to an entirely new page. Even still, curious if there is a way to bind modals to a rotue.
2 replies