Opening modal via a route
Hey guys,
I'm trying to open a modal via a route. For example, if you have a look at Netflix, clicking on the more information on a video, it will pop up a modal with more information, and also update the route, eg:
What would the recommended way be to do this in Nuxt3? I can achieve this through some relatively hacky methods, none of which feel right. Any advice?
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A road rage incident between two strangers — a failing contractor and an unfulfilled entrepreneur — sparks a feud that brings out their darkest impulses.
1 Reply
Digging into it a bit further, it appears Netflix is just doing this via a GET parameter, for example, on their search page, which fires the same modal window, but does not redirect the user to an entirely new page. Even still, curious if there is a way to bind modals to a rotue.