•Created by Hormon.exe on 7/28/2024 in #questions
Discord Onboarding
Not quite the right server, but i cant find one for this. Does anyone know a bot or a way to reassign onboarding roles, as my previous roles got deleted, and i need to reassign them to everyone, and i cant/wont do it manually
15 replies
•Created by Hormon.exe on 7/19/2024 in #questions
stop ip stealing
theres a guy who can get everyone ip on the server, he basically does the regular yapping and says that he will swat and ddos people, is there a way to just not make him able to see ips with whatever exploit he suses
244 replies
•Created by Hormon.exe on 7/16/2024 in #questions
what is a good anti lag machine (redstone lag machine) plugin?
some guy has beef with our server and keeps making lag machines, im willing to get paid plugins
5 replies