FED24/7 Flat Earth Discord
•Created by Alex on 1/12/2025 in #flat-earth-questions
Clockwise vs counter clockwise star rotation
There are some interesting fe explanations but ultimately we can't know for sure. Although I'd argue, this is a non-sequitar. If we can measure the ground to be flat, it doesn't matter what the stars or sun does over our head. The earth would be flat regardless. Which of course, I believe has been shown.
3 replies
FED24/7 Flat Earth Discord
•Created by sammy on 12/23/2024 in #flat-earth-questions
What are the other planet’s shape if the earth is flat?
Non-sequitur fallacy.
5 replies
FED24/7 Flat Earth Discord
•Created by Trayk_zedi on 12/17/2024 in #flat-earth-questions
What would u scale (flat earth) as a “conspiracy”?
I'd say a 10. Not too much that can compete with it. The holocaust never happening comes to mind but I'd rank that like a 8 or 9. Deceiving people about where we live is more impressive to me than deceiving people on history.
5 replies
FED24/7 Flat Earth Discord
•Created by Andy on 12/3/2024 in #flat-earth-questions
Why do Southern star trails move around a point like Northern star trails . If earth is flat ?
I too, am of the stance that the stars have no bearing on the measurements/observations we make of the ground. That aside, there seems to be a few different potential explanations among flat earthers. One that caught my eye particularly, was the idea that southern star trails seeming to converge around another point is entirely optical and not physical. This would be caused by the angular resolution limit of the human eye and the atmosphere. A magnifier dome would a great illustration of this. If you take a look at the first two videos, when a magnifier dome is placed on an image of star trails, and it is moved away from the center, two optical convergence points appear. The curved dome would be modeling our curved visual limit of our human eyes and the magnification would be modeling our atmosphere surrounding us that magnifies objects. If you want to learn more, I'd highly recommend getting familiar with angular resolution first. The angular resolution and our world video is a great place to start. Once you understand that, watching witsit's azimuthal grid video would be ideal. Cheers!
5 replies
FED24/7 Flat Earth Discord
•Created by drake’s subordinate on 12/2/2024 in #flat-earth-questions
How far is the sun?
What do you mean by parallax? As a flat earther, I'm curious.
6 replies
FED24/7 Flat Earth Discord
•Created by CircleO on 11/30/2024 in #flat-earth-questions
The Final Experiment
Me personally, observations and experimentation done of the ground far outweigh anything done with the sky. If the ground beneath us reveals we are on a flat plane, I'd argue we don't need any more proof. Which of course, I believe already has.
5 replies
FED24/7 Flat Earth Discord
•Created by Ayxy on 11/4/2024 in #flat-earth-questions
How di seasons work on your model?
Here is a good video by Eric Dubay showing how seasons would work on a flat earth. In short, the sun would be changing it's circuit above us.
4 replies
FED24/7 Flat Earth Discord
•Created by Oblateness on 11/2/2024 in #flat-earth-questions
Will flerfs be intellectually honest about the final experiment when we observe the 24hr sun?
Not to mention, there is a flat earth model that includes a 24 hour sun in Antarctica.
4 replies
FED24/7 Flat Earth Discord
•Created by TKD_Adam on 10/29/2024 in #flat-earth-questions
When did FE cover up start
I am not quite sure either at the moment but there is this really good documentary called heliosorcery that goes into the history of how humanity shifted from the long established geocentric to heliocentric model. I'm sure you'll find your answers there. I have only seen about a quarter of it, but it was very good from what I saw. I plan to also see it in its entirety, at some point too.
3 replies
FED24/7 Flat Earth Discord
•Created by kingaxios on 9/20/2024 in #flat-earth-questions
Proof for flat earth?
The Level documentary by Hibbeler Productions is a good place to start if flat earth is new to you.
9 replies
FED24/7 Flat Earth Discord
•Created by Tree on 8/21/2024 in #flat-earth-questions
What exactly would be the primary cause of things appearing to be under the horizon?
Objects disappear bottom up due to the angular resolution limit of the human eye.
Wiki page excerpt on angular resolution: "Angular resolution describes the ability of any image-forming device such as an optical or radio telescope, a microscope, a camera, or an eye, to distinguish small details of an object, thereby making it a major determinant of image resolution. ...Resolving power is the ability of an imaging device to separate (i.e., to see as distinct) points of an object that are located at a small angular distance or it is the power of an optical instrument to separate far away objects, that are close together, into individual images."
The reason objects appear to be "going behind a curve" is nothing more than your eye being unable to fully distinguish an object from the ground. So as the object starts to move farther away, the object and the ground begin to optically merge together until finally the object is completely hidden from view. It is nothing more than the result of perspective.
Resources: Small scale experiment showing how angular resolution makes objects look like as if they are vanishing bottom up. Upon zooming in with the camera, he is able bring the test object back into view because the camera's aperture increases in size(width). This allows for more light to enter the camera thus increasing the angular resolution limit of the camera. More light means greater resolving power. Boats being brought back into view with a camera despite the boats allegedly disappearing bottom up due to curvature. An in-depth 6 part video series explaining how angular resolution works. This video is part 1. Wikipedia page on angular resolution. The page also explains how aperture width is directly related to angular resolution.,resolutions%20at%20x%2Dray%20wavelengths.
Resources: Small scale experiment showing how angular resolution makes objects look like as if they are vanishing bottom up. Upon zooming in with the camera, he is able bring the test object back into view because the camera's aperture increases in size(width). This allows for more light to enter the camera thus increasing the angular resolution limit of the camera. More light means greater resolving power. Boats being brought back into view with a camera despite the boats allegedly disappearing bottom up due to curvature. An in-depth 6 part video series explaining how angular resolution works. This video is part 1. Wikipedia page on angular resolution. The page also explains how aperture width is directly related to angular resolution.,resolutions%20at%20x%2Dray%20wavelengths.
9 replies