Created by S. Mert ÖZTÜRK on 2/20/2024 in #❓┊help
Any way to use filament with laravel 11
I know the new Laravel version is not fully released yet, I am aware of the errors that may occur, but is there a way to use filament in Laravel 11?
4 replies
Created by S. Mert ÖZTÜRK on 11/21/2023 in #❓┊help
How can i change css?v= version
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Created by S. Mert ÖZTÜRK on 10/26/2023 in #❓┊help
image uploader to fill problem
Hi, i'm trying to fill image uploader from model. This is model return; attributes: array:11 [▼ "id" => 1 "model_type" => "App\Models\Modules\StaticPages" "model_id" => 1 "description" => "test seo açıklama" "title" => "test seo başlıkbb" "image" => "{"23f1baac-917a-4cc5-8901-104329634cc3":"seo_content\/seo_content-1698319573-1785-ekran-grnts-2023-09-27-162143.png"}" "author" => null "robots" => "noindex, nofollow" "canonical_url" => null "created_at" => "2023-10-26 14:06:48" "updated_at" => "2023-10-26 14:26:13" ] Fill code; ->afterStateHydrated(function (Group $component, ?Model $record) use ($only): void { $component->getChildComponentContainer()->fill( $record?->seo?->only($only) ?: [] ); }) ->statePath('seo') ->dehydrated(false) ->saveRelationshipsUsing(function (Model $record, array $state) use ($only): void { $state = collect($state)->only($only)->map(fn($value) => $value ?: null)->all(); if ($record->seo && $record->seo->exists) { $record->seo->update($state); } else { $record->seo()->create($state); } }); image uploader not see file, any advice?
2 replies
Created by S. Mert ÖZTÜRK on 10/25/2023 in #❓┊help
Translatable plugin locale selector
Hi, I have official translatable plugin and @kenepa Translation Manager. In this kenepa translation manager have language switcher on top right. My question is; can we do when kenepa language switcher after changed, official translatable manager locale select to changed.
2 replies
Created by S. Mert ÖZTÜRK on 10/21/2023 in #❓┊help
Livewire form submit button to Custom page header
Hi, I have a form, I want to move the submit button of this form to the header. For this, I created an action in the header of my filament page, but how do I assign the function to this button? My Filament Page : protected function getHeaderActions(): array { return [ Action::make('update') ->requiresConfirmation() ->action(fn () => $this->update()), ]; } Livewire comp: public function update(): void { Settings::first()->update($this->form->getState()); } livewire view: <form wire:submit="update"> {{ $this->form }} <x-filament::button type="submit" class="mt-6 w-full"> <span class="block" wire:loading.class="hidden"> Kaydet </span> <span class="hidden" wire:loading wire:loading.class="block">Kaydediliyor...</span> </x-filament::button> </form> And after submit i get this: Method App\Filament\Pages\Settings::update does not exist.
2 replies
Created by S. Mert ÖZTÜRK on 10/18/2023 in #❓┊help
how to, livewire form save button to header in filament custom page
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11 replies
Created by S. Mert ÖZTÜRK on 9/26/2023 in #❓┊help
Save button in tabs form
Hi, i created tabs and create form inside this. But submit button is left out as you can see on image. My form; public function form(Form $form): Form { return $form ->schema([ Tabs::make('') ->tabs([ Tabs\Tab::make('Profile Info') ->schema([ TextInput::make('firstname') ->required(), TextInput::make('lastname') ->required(), TextInput::make('email') ->required() ->email() ->columnSpan('full'), ]) ->columns(2), Tabs\Tab::make('Password') ->schema([ TextInput::make('firstname') ->required(), TextInput::make('lastname') ->required(), TextInput::make('email') ->required() ->email() ->columnSpan('full'), ]), Tabs\Tab::make('Clients') ->schema([ ]), ]), ]); } public function create(): void { dd($this->form->getState()); } And my livewire component; <div> <form wire:submit="create"> {{ $this->form }} <button type="submit"> Submit </button> </form> <x-filament-actions::modals/> </div>
7 replies
Created by S. Mert ÖZTÜRK on 9/25/2023 in #❓┊help
External Data Create And Edit
Hi, I work with whmcs and i want to create my custom client area with filament. But i see it, filament only make local database action (create, edit, list). In my laravel application i have my api end for get whmcs infos and save. How can i build create, edit and list resource to api.
10 replies