External Data Create And Edit

Hi, I work with whmcs and i want to create my custom client area with filament. But i see it, filament only make local database action (create, edit, list). In my laravel application i have my api end for get whmcs infos and save. How can i build create, edit and list resource to api.
7 Replies
Bleak2y ago
How to consume an external API with Filament Tables by Leandro Ferr...
A collection of beautiful full-stack components for Laravel. The perfect starting point for your next app. Using Livewire, Alpine.js and Tailwind CSS.
S. Mert ÖZTÜRKOP2y ago
Hi, this is for only table okay it's nice. But how can i add-edit rows to send request api.
Oussama2y ago
Just use actions I suppose? you can do whatever you want inside an action
Lodret2y ago
in my case had i already test, override function action in resource page like beforesave and mutate data to send data to API, but i didn't recommend it, use custom page instead more flexible
S. Mert ÖZTÜRKOP2y ago
Thanks lodret, just i wanted to look is there anyway to make in filament resources So i guess no way with filament resources
awcodes2y ago
Basically, you can override the create / save methods on the Create and Edit pages.

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