image uploader to fill problem

Hi, i'm trying to fill image uploader from model. This is model return; attributes: array:11 [▼ "id" => 1 "model_type" => "App\Models\Modules\StaticPages" "model_id" => 1 "description" => "test seo açıklama" "title" => "test seo başlıkbb" "image" => "{"23f1baac-917a-4cc5-8901-104329634cc3":"seo_content\/seo_content-1698319573-1785-ekran-grnts-2023-09-27-162143.png"}" "author" => null "robots" => "noindex, nofollow" "canonical_url" => null "created_at" => "2023-10-26 14:06:48" "updated_at" => "2023-10-26 14:26:13" ] Fill code; ->afterStateHydrated(function (Group $component, ?Model $record) use ($only): void { $component->getChildComponentContainer()->fill( $record?->seo?->only($only) ?: [] ); }) ->statePath('seo') ->dehydrated(false) ->saveRelationshipsUsing(function (Model $record, array $state) use ($only): void { $state = collect($state)->only($only)->map(fn($value) => $value ?: null)->all(); if ($record->seo && $record->seo->exists) { $record->seo->update($state); } else { $record->seo()->create($state); } }); image uploader not see file, any advice?
1 Reply
S. Mert ÖZTÜRKOP17mo ago
(Bump) any advice

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