Created by milo on 8/14/2022 in #✋|help
All you need to know about pricing
For more information about pricing, please read this: If you have any questions/concerns specifically regarding pricing, please put them in this thread.
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Created by milo on 8/12/2022 in #✋|help
All you need to know about pricing
The new pricing changes have allowed for Railway to become much stabler and reduce the amount of bad actors by a lot. The new changes include: The free/hobby plan gets 500 execution hours per month across all projects. This means if you have 2 services, each service would get 250 hours of execution time. Crashed deployments count towards the execution hours. Note that execution hours isn’t equal to clock hours and will deduct faster if you have more then 1 service. The developer plan can now be obtained in 2 ways: adding a credit card (which you could previously do) and get charged for usage over 5$, or by depositing credits. Depositing credits is especially useful if you have a prepaid card, as it may be the only one that works. The minimum deposit limit for buying credits is 5$. Dev plan also gives you more computational resources, including up to 8gb of ram and 100gb of disk storage. If you have any questions, please leave them in the thread below. Please note we will not give out credits, so don’t ask for them.
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