Railway2y ago

All you need to know about pricing

The new pricing changes have allowed for Railway to become much stabler and reduce the amount of bad actors by a lot. The new changes include: The free/hobby plan gets 500 execution hours per month across all projects. This means if you have 2 services, each service would get 250 hours of execution time. Crashed deployments count towards the execution hours. Note that execution hours isn’t equal to clock hours and will deduct faster if you have more then 1 service. The developer plan can now be obtained in 2 ways: adding a credit card (which you could previously do) and get charged for usage over 5$, or by depositing credits. Depositing credits is especially useful if you have a prepaid card, as it may be the only one that works. The minimum deposit limit for buying credits is 5$. Dev plan also gives you more computational resources, including up to 8gb of ram and 100gb of disk storage. If you have any questions, please leave them in the thread below. Please note we will not give out credits, so don’t ask for them.
95 Replies
eirk2y ago
commonly disregarded, but dev plan also has 8gb ram up from 512mb ram, and up to 100gb disk
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milo2y ago
you’d be fine on the free plan credit wise but you’ll run our of execution hours
Sergi2y ago
Hi, my name is Sergi i started a new node.js project with mongoose, i saw that the starter plan have 500 minutes, so I would like to know how much additional money I have to add to complete the entire month so that the service is not going to be closed after 21 days
milo2y ago
500 hours, but you should add a credit card (read above) and get rid of execution limits
candide2y ago
What does 500 execution hours mean, exactly? I'm very new to all this and mainly deploy existing apps like umami, cusdis, and nocodb. I understand things like storage and bandwith, but I'm not familiar with execution hours
eirk2y ago
Will students and educators be offered any benefits? Not at the moment, however this may be something we explore in the future!
the gh student integration is being worked on, just waiting for github to do something and can the railway team make this a railway blog or smth
nebula2y ago
i said that for a reason
candide2y ago
Thank you so much! This was broken down in a way that is very easy to understand. Agreed! The info listed here is essential, and I initially thought it was for Craft and not Railway (I wasn't familiar with what Craft was)
nebula2y ago
ah ok i'll clarify it in the document, craft is just a thing to make posts like this also @candide be sure to link your discord account to railway to access the rest of the server
eirk2y ago
ok, if u feel the need to, u can delet the msg
RedStar ⭐(-w-)
When my parent put in the prepaid card, why did it require $1? If I run out of that $5, will I have to pay at the time of running out of $5?
jr2y ago
The $1 is just a verification charge to make sure the card works and is refunded immediately.
nebula2y ago
they said it was a prepaid card tho
jr2y ago
Still works the same
nebula2y ago
oh, i recall from somewhere that prepaid cards werent supported for dev plan subscriptions
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milo2y ago
are u asking how bill is estimated like estimated usage
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Alaina2y ago
the estimated bill is with the discount subtracted
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milo2y ago
yup, it's like that i thought you meant how they estimated the bill
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Alaina2y ago
can click on "show breakdown"
milo2y ago
yes and you pay 1.11$
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milo2y ago
u must be running something relatively intensive
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milo2y ago
that's it..?
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milo2y ago
but like even a node bot shouldn't use that much ram/cpu or a python bot
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milo2y ago
u'll prob be fine because u have loads of othre projects counting towards current usage
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Alaina2y ago
well you have to take it down when current usage exceeds $5 if you don't want to pay
milo2y ago
well ur bot has used 2$ and total is 4$
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milo2y ago
all projects combined: 4$ just ur bot: 2$
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milo2y ago
so next month it won't use 5$ if the esitmation is right
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milo2y ago
that is true
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milo2y ago
railway still has a very generous free plan and on dev plan it is still quite generous but you are right ,things do change sorry about the fact you are having to take ur projects off of railway
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milo2y ago
honestly im not sure
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milo2y ago
yes theoretically
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milo2y ago
are you trying to upgrade from the free plan? or from dev to team or something also screenshots of the error would be useful
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milo2y ago
click "manage" and try removing the card and resubscribing
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milo2y ago
please try what i said no you won't lose them
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milo2y ago
well thats the problem how much money is on the card
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milo2y ago
usdt? liike the crypto thingy?
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milo2y ago
is it prepaid? either way, please read the initial post on this thread about buying credits
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milo2y ago
what? what accidental operation try buying credits as i said huh? ???? you've been banned from the platform? for what reason? what is netscan and why did you run it on railway
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milo2y ago
banned by railway? what are both of your githubs also please make separate forum posts about this
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milo2y ago
i don't have the capacity to deal with both of you make your own post
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milo2y ago
someone who helps people voluntarily
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milo2y ago
i directed you here becasue i thought you had an issue with pricing, however, you have an issue with the fact that you are banned
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milo2y ago
wrong message?
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eirk2y ago
what happened here lol
milo2y ago
just some people asking questions
eirk2y ago
1 person left/msgs gone, another without roles can role-less people now chat?
milo2y ago
unfortunately yes team hasnt fixedyet
eirk2y ago
nebula2y ago
prepaid cards do not work @mutemia please read this
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nebula2y ago
what type of card is this where did you get it
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nebula2y ago
actually, can you open a new thread this is off topic
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milo2y ago
wh @Nebula dont archive this thread???
nebula2y ago
its so off topic now
milo2y ago
this is a general help thread for pricing
nebula2y ago
we should make a new one
milo2y ago
just leave it opeon
nebula2y ago
i know
milo2y ago
ok i'll make a new one i'll work on it in a minute
nebula2y ago
just link the craft.do please
milo2y ago
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