How to not have nested layout/pages refresh when the main layout changes
If what you want is just cosmetic change, my advice is to use css media queries for responsive adjustments, or something like TailwindCSS. It's very good nowadays, and you can create responsive styling in a very controllable and effective way.
15 replies
How to not have nested layout/pages refresh when the main layout changes
As far as I know, a layout change will always trigger a refresh, because the layout is very close to the top of the chain, and so any change will trigger a refresh on all children components.
Usually, you would want that, to ensure that everything is recalculated according to the new layout.
15 replies
500 error code just after upgrading to 3.15v
Could be related to
Try to override to Vite 5 on package.json, as a temporary measure.
8 replies
i18n language auto detection not working
Are you using "prefix_except_default" strategy?
There's currently a pending issue that may be affecting you.
5 replies
Is it possible to exclude a component from a cached route?
Thank you. I assumed that, but I'm also guessing that, being a fairly used scenario, there would be some way of bailing some components from cache. Thanks anyway (happy that it wasn't a dumb question 🙂
4 replies
Is it possible to exclude a component from a cached route?
@danielroe Sorry for pulling you in, but would you think that:
a. this is a bug of the module?
b. this could be an enhancement for nuxt core?
c. I'm just a d*mbass and it should be done in a different fashion?
4 replies
How to host a full stack Nuxt3 app on cPanel
Sorry for the late reply. You can host it, but there's a couple of pre-requisites.
This github discussion has more details.
5 replies