Created by brunomgmateus on 3/22/2024 in #❓・help
Vue devtools 6.6.1 doesn't seem to work properly since Nuxt 3.10, and stopped displaying in 3.11
Hi everyone. I've been using Vue Devtools with Nuxt for years already, but it seems to be broken on the latest updates of Nuxt. The extension is detected correctly, but never displays the tab in Chrome Devtools (same behaviour in Firefox). Looking at the DOM, I can see
<div id="vue-inspector-container" data-v-app="">
<div data-v-31d1379f="" data-v-inspector-ignore="true">
<!-- Overlay -->
<div id="vue-inspector-container" data-v-app="">
<div data-v-31d1379f="" data-v-inspector-ignore="true">
<!-- Overlay -->
Still think this is likely a VueDevtools bug, but I've initialised various versions of Nuxt, and seems like it behaves differently across different versions. Also tried to use vue-devtools standalone, but also doesn't run, with an Uncaught Error: Dynamic require of "crypto" is not supported Anyone has any ideas about what could be the issue?
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