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Created by bjn on 12/13/2023 in #✋|help
Confusion regarding redis migration
I was asked to migrate a redis cache to the new V2 databases thing. My application is not working now that it has finished. It fails to connect to redis. I expect the configuration is no longer correct. But I'm getting confused among all the variables. The old redis service ("Redis Legacy") has a tab "connect" with a section "available variables", where it lists REDIS_URL, REDISHOST, REDISPASSWORD, REDISPORT, REDISUSER. My application was using this via REDISHOST, REDISPASSWORD, REDISPORT, REDISUSER. The new redis service ("Redis") does not have a "connect" tab. Instead it has a "variables" tab which lists 9 things:
Not only are there duplicates (REDISPASSWORD and REDIS_PASSWORD for example), these are editable and I don't know if I'm supposed to or if that would break something. What's more, my application service's "variables" tab now has duplicates of some of the variables. Along with the ones I added manually, I see REDISHOST, REDISPASSWORD, REDISPORT, REDISUSER, REDIS_URL. I don't remember adding these manually. It looks like these have been copied from the new "Redis" service (but why only these, why not also REDIS_PRIVATE_URL and some of the others), since for example REDISHOST is the same as on "Redis", not the same as on "Redis Legacy". I notice that the "shared variables" feature does not seem to be active; it tells me "no shared variables yet". Can someone help me untangle this confusion? I don't know if some of the variables are legacy and so I can delete them. I don't know if I'm expected to copy or edit or share any of these.
23 replies
Created by bjn on 7/3/2023 in #✋|help
Switching from developer plan to hobby -- *so* confused.
I have an email saying to avoid disruption I need to visit the dashboard. I visit the dashboard and I see nothing related. No callout to upgrade. I can't even see where I would do it. If I go to "settings" then "usage" I see that I'm currently on the developer plan. If I click "manage your plan" next to that I'm taken to another page which gives invoice history and as far as I can tell there's only an option to cancel the plan, nothing else. I don't want to cancel it. This page says that if I am currently on developer and verified I'll be automatically moved to hobby with the fee waived. It says if I'm already on developer and I'm not verified I'll be downgraded to "no subscription". I don't want to be downgraded to "no subscription" so clearly I need to make sure I'm verified. Over here and also here it talks about verification, and that verified members (sometimes? it's not entirely clear) get the $5 waived. I can't see anywhere to trigger the verification process or to check on whether I'm currently classed as verified or not. Whether or not I qualify for that discount is a big deal in whether I choose to continue using Railway or not, so how do I find out? Because of this, as far as I can tell, I have no way to find out what's actually happening to my account.
37 replies