Railway•13mo ago

Switching from developer plan to hobby -- *so* confused.

I have an email saying to avoid disruption I need to visit the dashboard. I visit the dashboard and I see nothing related. No callout to upgrade. I can't even see where I would do it. If I go to "settings" then "usage" I see that I'm currently on the developer plan. If I click "manage your plan" next to that I'm taken to another page which gives invoice history and as far as I can tell there's only an option to cancel the plan, nothing else. I don't want to cancel it. This page https://blog.railway.app/p/pricing-and-plans-migration-guide-2023 says that if I am currently on developer and verified I'll be automatically moved to hobby with the fee waived. It says if I'm already on developer and I'm not verified I'll be downgraded to "no subscription". I don't want to be downgraded to "no subscription" so clearly I need to make sure I'm verified. Over here https://docs.railway.app/reference/pricing#verification and also here https://blog.railway.app/p/pricing-and-plans-migration-guide-2023#what%E2%80%99s-the-deal-with-verification it talks about verification, and that verified members (sometimes? it's not entirely clear) get the $5 waived. I can't see anywhere to trigger the verification process or to check on whether I'm currently classed as verified or not. Whether or not I qualify for that discount is a big deal in whether I choose to continue using Railway or not, so how do I find out? Because of this, as far as I can tell, I have no way to find out what's actually happening to my account.
Railway Blog
Migration Guide for Upcoming Pricing and Plan Changes, 2023 Edition
Today we’re announcing changes to Railway’s plans and pricing. The new plans will become available on July 3, 2023 and the migration will conclude on August 1, 2023.
Railway Docs
Pricing | Railway Docs
Documentation for Railway
Just pushed a fix.
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24 Replies
Percy•13mo ago
Project ID: bb413c1a-f4bc-4df7-94e1-76afdb0a4d82
bjn•13mo ago
angelo•13mo ago
cc @David @Cooper
Skowt•13mo ago
Yeah this is exactly where I'm at. On Developer account, not seeing any upgrade popups, no 'Plans' tab in settings, no verification details. This is word for word how I felt and what happened to me. I ended up emailing support which seems to also be confused about the situation.
angelo•13mo ago
Do you see the migration banner?
Skowt•13mo ago
Nope, just a GitHub outage warning on the dashboard. I only found out about it because of the email
angelo•13mo ago
Rather, what do you see when you see https://railway.app/verify
Skowt•13mo ago
Awesome, that shows that I'm verified and a member of the 'Developer Plan'. Still no banner though.
angelo•13mo ago
Yep- but you need to migrate
Skowt•13mo ago
Is the GitHub banner perhaps knocking out your migration banner?
angelo•13mo ago
cc @fp
Skowt•13mo ago
Is there a direct link to migrate? There's definitely no banner or links anywhere else. Also apologies @tremby for jumping on your thread.
angelo•13mo ago
No, this is related! email pls?
Skowt•13mo ago
Faraz•13mo ago
Could you send a screenshot of your dashboard?
Faraz•13mo ago
Just pushed a fix.
Faraz•13mo ago
Should be live in a few.
Skowt•13mo ago
What should we see then? a banner or something else?
Faraz•13mo ago
Yep, on the dashboard. I'll message here once live. Should be live now.
angelo•13mo ago
tagging for visibility @skowt @tremby
Skowt•13mo ago
Refreshed, it's live and I could migrate easily 🙌 I imagine you might have a few confused folks on the Developer Plan until they refresh 😄
angelo•13mo ago
It was bit of a head scratcher until we realized that we forgot to merge a fix for the banner...
bjn•13mo ago
OK I see "verified" here but nothing other than you linked me to that lol Nah all good we're in the same place Ah I have the banner now too. Thanks. That sure was confusing. It might be worth publishing that "check verification status" link somewhere so people have a better idea of whether they're getting the discount or not.
angelo•13mo ago
Yep- working on some workflow improvements here