Add common VR Modelling Tools that are missing
Sorry no I didn't : ) have not been working with tiltbrush much at all honestly. They do have a similar system in substance modeler, pretty neat.
16 replies
Nested object hierarchies.
Aww thanks so much : ) Not really have much opinion on that, I'm not too hot on tiltbrush. Well except maybe the hull brush, I like that. But it's really a very different beast from blocks. Not sure if a merge would make much sense, I'd rarely need both tools at the same time.
7 replies
Add common VR Modelling Tools that are missing
Aye 'simplest' might actually be an instancing setup, with their own reference transforms, which can be flipped and repositioned ^^. Would be super interesting to be able to edit these instances directly, see all copies change in real time, even the mirrored ones.
16 replies
Nested object hierarchies.
I'm here : )
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