Created by SCIENTIFIC on 10/19/2023 in #✋|help
Failed to upload code with status code 504 Gateway Timeout
Running railway up:
Cannot create code snapshot right now, please review your last commit or try again
If this error persists, please reach out to Railway team
Cannot create code snapshot right now, please review your last commit or try again
If this error persists, please reach out to Railway team
56 replies
Created by SCIENTIFIC on 10/6/2023 in #✋|help
Redis failing to provision
I'm able to provision Redis in an empty project, but not into my active (paid) project, contains a github service + Postgres db. There is no feedback other than: "Failed to provision Redis", which doesn't give me much to work with. Project ID: 56d30439-0f03-4507-96fc-515aa6becfd1
24 replies