Will Filament work with Laravel Reverb or does it need some config?
I just bumped my Laravel app to v11 and upgraded filament to latest version. There were some broadcast notifications that were being sent using Pusher and I am thinking of switching to Laravel Reverb. Will Filament work with that?
12 replies
Repeater with Fileupload doesn't update previews on using $set
Hi all. I am using a Filament repeater with 3 field. 2 Textinputs and 1 Fileupload. I am using another fileupload to fetch multiple images then make a repeater field based on number of images so that description can be added to each of the image.
When I use $set to dynamically update my repeater, the data is there but no preview is shown by file upload it just shows original UI to select a file. Is there a better way to do this?
19 replies
Action to Fill New Record Form with Old Data
Hi eveyone! I am creating a resource that sometimes require redundant fields from an earlier saved resource of the same time. Is there a way to fetch old data from a specific record (based on user input) and fill the current form with that data? Thanks.
9 replies
How to Handle Action Modal Cancel
Hi. I am using Actions in a Custom Page in my filament app. I want to modify the behaviour of what happens if a user clicks on an action and the modal loads but he then cancels it. Is that possible?
Actually, I am having an issue that whenever a header action is clicked and modal is closed without completing the action, all the stats and chart widgets disappear from the page.
1 replies
TextInput Column Save with Confirmation
Hi. I am using Filament v3 Table TextInput Column. When I take cursor away from it , it autosaves the value. Is there a way to ask user for confirmation before saving or save after a button is clicked in actions etc. Thanks for help.
11 replies