Conditionally Hiding a Table on Custom Page?

Hi there. I have a custom page with a table added to it. I want to hide the table unless session has a specific value set. Is there a way to do that?
5 Replies
toeknee2y ago
Just pass the value into a public property and in the view where you set $this->table condition it that the value is set first
tinkypinkyOP2y ago
Great. Also, is there a way to get table data from a collection instead of a query?
toeknee2y ago
You would need to use Sushi if not using a model
tinkypinkyOP2y ago
I am using a model. In my case it is Account and it has Expenses and Incomes associated with it. I want to create a tablet that display all the incomes and expenses associated with that account for a particular month. Is that possible with filament table on a custom page?
toeknee2y ago
Yes it should be

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