Alignment of Dashboard Chart and Stat Widgets

Hi there. I am using filament v3 for creating a dashboard. The problem is that stat widget bottom isn't aligned with the chart widget as seen in picture. Both of these stats are in same widget. Is there a way to aling the 2nd stat widget with chart bottom. Thanks.
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8 Replies
DrByte9mo ago
If I'm not mistaken, these are flex objects which rearrange themselves for screen size etc. Perhaps it instead of trying to align to match the bottom of the other widget it might make sense to attempt to size the smaller widgets' height so that they take more vertical space so that they appear more "aligned"? Otherwise it's kinda difficult to tell it what to align its bottom with. What should it do on a mobile screen size?
tinkypinky9mo ago
Can the height of this widget changed?
Thijmen9mo ago
With css it can
tinkypinky9mo ago
So I will need a custom theme?
Thijmen9mo ago
tinkypinky9mo ago
@toeknee Can this also be done for stat widgets?
toeknee9mo ago
Try it the function maybe on the widget class