•Created by barlo on 11/30/2024 in #questions-and-advice
Are the Levi's 501 selvedge shrink to fit?
Basically title, and i'm referring to this*EC*US*EN*17004636363*PMAX*goog*&gad_source=1&gbraid=0AAAAAC-PMYVmCqVk5G1dWxr6poOJuQ4KW&gclid=CjwKCAiA6aW6BhBqEiwA6KzDcw3D8A1xwOmzBlTjNadyYER26FVcoICX7kZGp19lrgMeRieo2yrkCxoCA84QAvD_BwE
Saw the video from youtuber edgyalbert's guide for 501s saying to size up 1 in the waist and 2 lengthwise, but i believe those are specifically for the regular 501 STF, not the premium 501 selvedge. Should I apply the same steps if im trying to get the one in the link above?
8 replies
•Created by barlo on 11/29/2024 in #questions-and-advice
Looking for black shoes / boots that can be used for travel
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•Created by barlo on 11/28/2024 in #questions-and-advice
A2 leather layering options: Hood / no hood / turtleneck
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