Created by Lutefisk88 on 8/25/2023 in #questions-and-advice
Question on Private White Harrington Sizing
Are we allowed to bump posts?
2 replies
Created by fauxhemian on 8/5/2023 in #brands
New Balance
Are the V6's about the same width as the V5's?
201 replies
Created by shogun82 on 8/25/2023 in #questions-and-advice
is it normal for a new pair of loafers to be painful?
they'll never lengthen, pretty much ever.
14 replies
Created by Jupes1004 on 8/24/2023 in #questions-and-advice
loafers under 150
Heard. Nice feedback. I hear you about the formalness of the loafer. In that case, Can you post a photo of the general idea of what you're looking for?
18 replies
Created by shogun82 on 8/25/2023 in #questions-and-advice
is it normal for a new pair of loafers to be painful?
I just broke in a pair of Meermin loafers. They were tight on the vamp, length was fine. I wore a thick pair of socks for a week while around the house and now they're great and comfortable. A lot of people say a lot of things about breaking in leather shoes. I try buy my loafers as tight as I can stand them. They WILL loosen up, at least a little. I like to wear my loafers without socks and to prevent slippage, a tighter fit is better. The material and quality of leather matters too. suede will stretch more than a higher grade calfskin. In short, If you can wiggle your toes without issue and the length feels ok, Proceed in breaking them in.
14 replies
Created by yurt on 8/25/2023 in #questions-and-advice
recs for full length mirror
Facebook Marketplace, people are selling them all the time and you can sometimes snatch a deal.
9 replies
Created by TMNY on 8/24/2023 in #questions-and-advice
Luggage Recs
TravelPro is what I spot the most being used by pilots and crew. Part of that is that I believe they have an industry discount there. However, it's good quality. I've never wanted to draw attention to my bag and I like to fly under the radar. Something too nice can draw attention. having said that, a giant Gucci tote would be dope.
6 replies
Created by Jupes1004 on 8/24/2023 in #questions-and-advice
loafers under 150
Catch Meermin in a sale. Just picked up some Museum Calf Penny's from them for $160 shipped.
18 replies