Created by hiimmox on 1/22/2025 in #❓・help
Prevent Nuxt from escaping the meta title
I ended up creating a nitro hook:
// Find title and og:title tags in the HTML before parsing and un-escape slashes
export default defineNitroPlugin((nitroApp) => {
function processTitleTags(htmlString: string) {
// Process regular title tags
let processed = htmlString.replace(/<title>(.*?)&#x2F;(.*?)<\/title>/g, (_, p1, p2) => {
return `<title>${p1}/${p2}</title>`;

// Process og:title meta tags
processed = processed.replace(/<meta property="og:title" content="([^"]*?)&#x2F;([^"]*)"/g, (_, p1, p2) => {
return `<meta property="og:title" content="${p1}/${p2}"`;

return processed;

nitroApp.hooks.hook('render:html', (html) => {
for (let i = 0; i < html.head.length; i++) {
const tag = html.head[i];
if (tag.includes('title')) {
const processedTag = processTitleTags(tag);
if (processedTag !== tag) {
html.head[i] = processedTag;
// Find title and og:title tags in the HTML before parsing and un-escape slashes
export default defineNitroPlugin((nitroApp) => {
function processTitleTags(htmlString: string) {
// Process regular title tags
let processed = htmlString.replace(/<title>(.*?)&#x2F;(.*?)<\/title>/g, (_, p1, p2) => {
return `<title>${p1}/${p2}</title>`;

// Process og:title meta tags
processed = processed.replace(/<meta property="og:title" content="([^"]*?)&#x2F;([^"]*)"/g, (_, p1, p2) => {
return `<meta property="og:title" content="${p1}/${p2}"`;

return processed;

nitroApp.hooks.hook('render:html', (html) => {
for (let i = 0; i < html.head.length; i++) {
const tag = html.head[i];
if (tag.includes('title')) {
const processedTag = processTitleTags(tag);
if (processedTag !== tag) {
html.head[i] = processedTag;
6 replies
Created by hiimmox on 1/22/2025 in #❓・help
Prevent Nuxt from escaping the meta title
innerHtml only works for script tags
6 replies
Created by rightnow on 10/10/2024 in #❓・help
How to add Stylistic options like ident: 'tab', quotes: 'single', to eslint.config.mjs?
9 replies
Created by Angius on 11/13/2024 in #❓・help
RollupError: [plugin impound] This module cannot be imported in server runtime.
7 replies
Created by BobLamarley on 10/31/2024 in #❓・help
SVG and CSS transitions
How about trying https://nuxt.com/modules/nuxt-svgo instead of getting raw html, that might help
14 replies
Created by BobLamarley on 10/31/2024 in #❓・help
SVG and CSS transitions
Or you could try removing the "scoped", but wrap all your styles in a parent selector. eg.
.app-loader {
svg .svg-elem-1 {
.app-loader {
svg .svg-elem-1 {
14 replies
Created by BobLamarley on 10/31/2024 in #❓・help
SVG and CSS transitions
Wrap all your svg elements with :deep()
14 replies
Created by blustin_blieber on 10/30/2024 in #❓・help
What types to use for Typed-Pages and NuxtLink in defineProps
I dont have an answer, but I would check the types under .nuxt and find the ones it generated for the routes. You might get some insights from there
6 replies
Created by Reeed on 10/20/2024 in #❓・help
vscode complains about auto imports
Did you modify your tsconfig?
26 replies
Created by eyJOdnJHb25uYSI6Imd2VXVwIn0= on 10/26/2024 in #❓・help
How to get TailwindCSS IntelliSense working in NuxtUI v3?
Ah, I havent tried out TW 4 or the intellisense pre-release. That might be your problem, I dont know
13 replies
Created by Wander on 10/29/2024 in #❓・help
[solved] beforeEnter in Nuxt3
Pretty sure route middleware behave as "beforeRouteEnter" by default, no? https://nuxt.com/docs/guide/directory-structure/middleware#usage ie "from" is the current route, "to" is the next one. If you want to cancel navigation before going to "next" you could abort nav
7 replies
Created by Helgi on 10/28/2024 in #❓・help
Not getting correct version in @nuxtjs/strapi module
Oh I see what's up, the v5 support hasn't shipped yet, even though they made the change to the README: https://github.com/nuxt-modules/strapi/commit/f53bdf9c18123c5c26add33a81f9dab7f598a7ef (this was 2 weeks ago) Last release was like 6 months ago https://github.com/nuxt-modules/strapi/releases/tag/v1.12.0
21 replies
Created by Reeed on 10/20/2024 in #❓・help
vscode complains about auto imports
try reloading vscode
26 replies
Created by Helgi on 10/28/2024 in #❓・help
Not getting correct version in @nuxtjs/strapi module
Cool, thats weird. Have you tried without the v5? looks like thats the default anyways
21 replies
Created by kb on 10/28/2024 in #❓・help
Lint complaining about await in setup function
youre gonna have to paste your eslint config for someone to help. I recommend antfu's
7 replies
Created by Helgi on 10/28/2024 in #❓・help
Not getting correct version in @nuxtjs/strapi module
Might be worth trying the good 'old rm -rf node_modules && rm -rf .nuxt/
21 replies
Created by Helgi on 10/28/2024 in #❓・help
Not getting correct version in @nuxtjs/strapi module
it's even the default
21 replies
Created by Helgi on 10/28/2024 in #❓・help
Not getting correct version in @nuxtjs/strapi module
Did you install the latest version? I see "v5" in the module's source: https://github.com/nuxt-modules/strapi/blob/dev/src/module.ts#L42
21 replies
Created by eyJOdnJHb25uYSI6Imd2VXVwIn0= on 10/26/2024 in #❓・help
How to get TailwindCSS IntelliSense working in NuxtUI v3?
Can you post your configs? Did you configure the content correctly? tw autocomplete works fine in all projects ive worked on
13 replies
Created by 🖤 SHADXW 🖤 on 10/28/2024 in #❓・help
nuxt Why is it when I work with nuxt I ALWAYS GET PROBLEMSSS
Skill issue honestly, but looks like your server is mongo db is not accesible
9 replies