How to add Stylistic options like ident: 'tab', quotes: 'single', to eslint.config.mjs?
Is it possible to get stylistic options like
stylistic: {
indent: 'tab',
quotes: 'single',
semi: false,
braceStyle: '1tbs',
arrowParens: true,
Inside the eslint.config.mjs that uses withNuxt function? I dont want to add it to the nuxt.config.ts if possible
5 Replies
Have you found a way to do it @rightnow ?
Nuxt ESLint
ESLint Module - Nuxt ESLint
All-in-one ESLint integration for Nuxt. It generates a project-aware ESLint flat config and provides the ability to optionally run ESLint check along side the dev server.
Bro did you read the message?
I needed the same today, stumbled on your post while looking for an answer.
If you still need it :
Don't add the stylistic stuff in nuxt.config.ts
Then in your eslint config :
You can now use stuff like this in your rules :
hope it helps π
you shouldn't have to install '@stylistic/eslint-plugin' because it's already done by nuxt when adding the eslint module, but if needed you can ofc npm i -D @stylistic/eslint-plugin
Thanks you!