Created by Deleted User on 6/25/2023 in #questions
Deflating a server economy
Link was censored? What is it called?
13 replies
Created by Deleted User on 6/25/2023 in #questions
Deflating a server economy
Let us all know if it ends to published on spigot, or elsewhere
13 replies
Created by Deleted User on 6/25/2023 in #questions
Deflating a server economy
Well if you find any good economy income plugins that have daily limits let me know, but, between jobs and TIM that's probably plenty
13 replies
Created by Deleted User on 6/25/2023 in #questions
Deflating a server economy
I do not, i wish i did. Just jobs and time is money
13 replies
Created by Cyats on 7/5/2023 in #questions
Best current Tree Feller/Logger plugins ideally with fast leaf decay (1.20.1)
8 replies
Created by Cyats on 7/5/2023 in #questions
Best current Tree Feller/Logger plugins ideally with fast leaf decay (1.20.1)
Oped for TreeAssist on my friends server, I will test out SmoothTimber on my own testing server. TreeAssist is great but I did have to remove the default chance to drop leaves even when a player isnt using silk touch. I also added a .5% to drop golden apples, for fun.
8 replies
Created by Deleted User on 6/25/2023 in #questions
Deflating a server economy
Another way to reduce the balanace of players is by introducing luxury items that are not gamebreaking. Heads from HeadDataBase, or charging them for their land with something like residence (you can set it up so that they have to pay the set amount per block every X days, so basically the larger a player wants their base to be, the larger their income needs to be). You could sell timed permissions, permissions that a player buys for a set number of days (theres a few plugins that can handle this buy I am not sure which ones are current) Im sure I could come up with more ideas, but if you dont want to outright take their money you have to tempt them into spending it on things that wont break or unbalance the server
13 replies
Created by Deleted User on 6/25/2023 in #questions
Deflating a server economy
This is a very tricky issue because a large part of your problem is that too many players have too much money, so, You need to reduce that. The easiest way to do this sadly pisses off the players; Take some percentage of money from everyone, possibly with a hard cap (so like if you have multiple millionaires/billionaires take say, 40% from everyone, and reduce anyone still over that to 100k. Again, this has a high likelyhood of pissing off players unless you talk this out throughly beforehand The other solutions are more long term and require player buy-in. You have to reduce your payouts from whatever plugins you are using to give the players money. I recommend setting daily limits on income, and only using plugins that have configurable daily limits (Jobs does, So does Time Is Money, you could also have money be part of a daily reward). Having a Daily limit prevents out of control income, or, slows it down at least I do not recommend setting the server up to buy anything from the players that can be farmed; example; Melons, Cactus, etc. The problem is that no matter how cheap you make the purchase price, players can build bigger and bigger farms to sell the server 200k melons in one go. If you could set it up to have a daily limit on how much a server will buy from any given player, then yes, but if the server buys anything (redstone) farmable then players will take advantage of that. I have been interested in dynamic shops, I haven't used one myself but I could see it working. It might be a problem for new players though as sought after items (elytra, fireworks, iron) might get more and more expensive over time, which wont be a problem for your whales and players who have income figured out, but it will be a problem for new players who haven't yet figured out how to make money effectively.
13 replies
Created by Cyats on 6/25/2023 in #questions
Why are * permissions bad (eg; essentials.*, cmi.*, or of course, the classic, * by itself)
Does anyone have a more bukkit/spigot based link explaining why * is bad? I'll also try to do some searches to find one. I only worry that the mentions of it being about Nucleus and Sponge will undercut it if they think it's not actually relevant to bukkiit/spigot/paper etc.
17 replies
Created by Cyats on 6/25/2023 in #questions
Why are * permissions bad (eg; essentials.*, cmi.*, or of course, the classic, * by itself)
That's a great way to explain it (to my friends) as well
17 replies
Created by Cyats on 6/25/2023 in #questions
Why are * permissions bad (eg; essentials.*, cmi.*, or of course, the classic, * by itself)
Context: I came in to help set up permissions on a server where someone had already started, and, had used a lot of *'s
17 replies
Created by Cyats on 6/25/2023 in #questions
Why are * permissions bad (eg; essentials.*, cmi.*, or of course, the classic, * by itself)
Well I think the deeper down the tree a wildcard is the less harm it can do, because it's only applying to a specific subsection, so I'm alright with those (again, as long as the person assigning it actually knows what they are doing)
17 replies
Created by Cyats on 6/25/2023 in #questions
Why are * permissions bad (eg; essentials.*, cmi.*, or of course, the classic, * by itself)
I appreciate the quick replies and the link here. I feel like any server manager wildcard should be avoided because it tends to include a lot of "Exclude this player from X" (AFK detection for example, among other things). I guess that is really summed up by the "Don't give a player Pluginname.* unless you know what permissions are being given"
17 replies
Created by Cyats on 6/24/2023 in #questions
Can no longer see players changing GameMode (Paper 1.20/CMI)
All good. Also, Problem isnt entirely solved but I ran out of time to work on it for now 😐
104 replies
Created by Cyats on 6/24/2023 in #questions
Can no longer see players changing GameMode (Paper 1.20/CMI)
Okay, but regardless, bringing your question into my thread was not the right move
104 replies
Created by Cyats on 6/24/2023 in #questions
Can no longer see players changing GameMode (Paper 1.20/CMI)
You will want to search the discord history for solutions, and then make a question of your own to get that answered
104 replies
Created by Cyats on 6/24/2023 in #questions
Can no longer see players changing GameMode (Paper 1.20/CMI)
I actually believe I have tracked down the problem (My problem that is, yours is a different thing), but not the solution /minecraft:gamemode outputs to chat /cmi:gamemode does not seem to output to chat
104 replies
Created by Cyats on 6/20/2023 in #questions
Does anyone have a link to all of the "minecraft.*" permissions?/what does 'minecraft.admin' do?
Solved, thank you everyone
5 replies
Created by Cyats on 6/20/2023 in #questions
Does anyone have a link to all of the "minecraft.*" permissions?/what does 'minecraft.admin' do?
I found my answer for any future searchers. It appears that minecraft.admin is part of a longer permission called minecraft.admin.command_feedback and it does this; Allows receiving of feedback of (Vanilla) commands run by command blocks or other players So it seems like it functions as a command spy permission, essentially, allowing staff or admin players to know when commands are being executed.
5 replies
Created by Cyats on 6/20/2023 in #questions
Does anyone have a link to all of the "minecraft.*" permissions?/what does 'minecraft.admin' do?
Thank you, do you happen to know what minecraft.admin is and what it does? LuckPerms seems to recognize it (it auto completes to it if you type
5 replies