Created by Kuroro on 2/27/2024 in #❓・help
Differents watch sources using useState
<script setup lang="ts">
const { find } = useStrapi()

const { offset, search, selectedFilter } = useTableParams()

const { data: campaigns } = await useAsyncData(
() => find<Campaign>('campaigns', {
pagination: offset.value
transform: (data: Strapi4ResponseMany<Campaign>) => {
pagination.value = data.meta.pagination as MetaResponsePaginationByPage
return data.data
// ! Here I'm giving offset.value for useState global reactive var that "hosts" an object
// ! But for simple global variables like string, I have to give the reactive part (ok)
// ? why ?
watch: [offset.value, search, selectedFilter]
<script setup lang="ts">
const { find } = useStrapi()

const { offset, search, selectedFilter } = useTableParams()

const { data: campaigns } = await useAsyncData(
() => find<Campaign>('campaigns', {
pagination: offset.value
transform: (data: Strapi4ResponseMany<Campaign>) => {
pagination.value = data.meta.pagination as MetaResponsePaginationByPage
return data.data
// ! Here I'm giving offset.value for useState global reactive var that "hosts" an object
// ! But for simple global variables like string, I have to give the reactive part (ok)
// ? why ?
watch: [offset.value, search, selectedFilter]
export const useTableParams = () => {
const offset = useState('offset', () => ({
page: 1,
pageSize: 5,
withCount: true

const search = useState('search', () => '')
const selectedFilter = useState('selectedFilter', () => 'all')

return { offset, selectedFilter, search }
export const useTableParams = () => {
const offset = useState('offset', () => ({
page: 1,
pageSize: 5,
withCount: true

const search = useState('search', () => '')
const selectedFilter = useState('selectedFilter', () => 'all')

return { offset, selectedFilter, search }
Any ideas for my case ? I'm just asking why I need to watch for offset.value in my useAsyncData() (which is a global reactive object created with useState) and why I don't need it to for other variables (like number or string...) What are the differences between simple primitive types that I don't see ? I'm pretty sure it's for you, @manniL / TheAlexLichter 👋🏼😁 Thanks y'all ❤️
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