Differents watch sources using useState
Any ideas for my case ?
I'm just asking why I need to watch for
in my useAsyncData()
(which is a global reactive object created with useState
) and why I don't need it to for other variables (like number or string...)
What are the differences between simple primitive types that I don't see ?
I'm pretty sure it's for you, @manniL / TheAlexLichter 👋🏼😁
Thanks y'all ❤️15 Replies
Don't ping people randomly, it's rude
Other than that what happens if you return a ref
Hm? Alex is saying « feel free to ping on discord » on his YouTube channel… I ping him because he treats reactivity problems on his last video, it’s not random
OK - answer my question though
Where would you return a ref?
In the useState initializer, as per the docs
Basically just add ref before your current brackets
In fact I just realized this probably won't change much since you're currently using .value ; rather than ref() you may want to try reactive() to get rid of .value
Did it work?
I can’t test currently, will tell you asap
I feel setting the pagination value in transform is "wrong" 🤔
But a running repro would be better
It's not. I'm maybe wrong, but i think useState is already returning a Ref, so i don't get it when you talk about specifying a ref/reactive in useState (make it nosense for me, but, once again, i'm maybe wrong)
And, if you find the docs page where it's specified, i would be happy to see it.
Oh ok, I probably shouldn't do assignation here... Strapi API returns an object with two keys, trying to deal with it without wrapping my
in a function... maybe should I ?
there's a minimal repro with a dummy API, but it reproduces my behavior : https://stackblitz.com/edit/nuxt-starter-cicj7t?file=components%2FTodosTable.vue
See comments in TodosTable.vue 🙂jmbdx
Nuxt - useState & useAsyncData - StackBlitz
Can't trigger the useAsyncData function each time I change my composable
Composable is well updated, but the query is never re-triggered
Doesn't mean that you shouldn't try it 🙂 this works for me:
Not quite what I anticipated but at least it gets the job done
The relevant doc page: https://nuxt.com/docs/api/composables/use-state
It reads:
init: A function that provides initial value for the state when not initiated. This function can also return a Ref.IDK if it means it has to return a ref to be reactive but... here we are Either way I know it's complicated and hard to make sense of, don't worry you'll eventually get there 🙂 Just give it some time I suppose haha
Ahah thanks! That's the first time I see this kind of trick.
It wouldn't be the best case in my opinion, because we're obliged to define each property of the object into different variables, It feels a bit hacky no?
Anyway, thanks for your time
As I said in my repro, I got it working too, but, i'm really looking for a technical explanation & why not, have an advice on the best way to go ! 🙂
So, I think it's not "bad" to have one property per variable, because that's kind of why Vue has fine-grained reactivity etc 😄
As to why you want to use .value, I believe it's because otherwise you're not observing the proxy object for changes, you're observing a ref to it which itself isn't changing unless you re-assign a whole object
ie less params.limit = xyz and more params = {...params, limit: xyz}
But that's just a guess
(might not be exactly correct but it's a mental model that "works" for me)
mhh ok I get it, but isn't it a bit strange if we have to manage a larger object?
To be precise, in my original codebase, i'm dealing with two kind of types, an object type and a primitive type (string/number/whatever).
As you can see, types returned by useState are the same (Ref<T> if I can put it that way)
So, thats why I was wondering why I should use .value for the object part, and shouldn't for primitive part

As you can see in screenshots, IDE is not really explicit... maybe should I log them to see further
I don't think IDE is going to help 😦
And I expected reactive() to help change that ref into something that can be observed without .value, but it didn't work
That's why I gave you the solution where each individual property of the object is a ref 🙂
Might not be ideal but it does "make sense" IMHO
Either that or you can go back to your original solution with .value - it does save some typing