DHDistant Horizons
•Created by 32mace on 12/16/2024 in #help-me
I can't get DH to work on my server.
The plugin version didn't work with Spigot, but worked with Paper.
42 replies
DHDistant Horizons
•Created by 32mace on 12/16/2024 in #help-me
I can't get DH to work on my server.
Thanks! You guys are the best! 👍
42 replies
DHDistant Horizons
•Created by 32mace on 12/16/2024 in #help-me
I can't get DH to work on my server.
Ported the server to Fabric and works just fine
42 replies
DHDistant Horizons
•Created by 32mace on 12/16/2024 in #help-me
I can't get DH to work on my server.
I'll try and I'll give you the result
42 replies
DHDistant Horizons
•Created by 32mace on 12/16/2024 in #help-me
I can't get DH to work on my server.

42 replies
DHDistant Horizons
•Created by 32mace on 12/16/2024 in #help-me
I can't get DH to work on my server.
/dh config command doesn't work
42 replies
DHDistant Horizons
•Created by 32mace on 12/16/2024 in #help-me
I can't get DH to work on my server.
42 replies
DHDistant Horizons
•Created by 32mace on 12/16/2024 in #help-me
I can't get DH to work on my server.

42 replies
DHDistant Horizons
•Created by 32mace on 12/16/2024 in #help-me
I can't get DH to work on my server.

42 replies
DHDistant Horizons
•Created by 32mace on 12/16/2024 in #help-me
I can't get DH to work on my server.
Yes, it says it does
42 replies
DHDistant Horizons
•Created by 32mace on 12/16/2024 in #help-me
I can't get DH to work on my server.
I'll check
42 replies
DHDistant Horizons
•Created by 32mace on 12/16/2024 in #help-me
I can't get DH to work on my server.
I would like to use the version that allows me to use bukkit/spigot for my server, and fabric for my client. If there is any compromise that needs to be made (like changing the modloader/api/whatever_the_term_is_for_the_thingies_like_forge/fabric/sponge/bukkit/paper/spigot), I would like that to be on the server's side first. And if there is no other option, then on the client's. (I am not really a technical person and I hope that I understood well and that what I am trying to explain makes sense).
42 replies
DHDistant Horizons
•Created by 32mace on 12/16/2024 in #help-me
I can't get DH to work on my server.
For the mod version, I have to change the server's modloader from Spigot to somethings else?
42 replies
DHDistant Horizons
•Created by 32mace on 12/16/2024 in #help-me
I can't get DH to work on my server.
42 replies
DHDistant Horizons
•Created by 32mace on 12/16/2024 in #help-me
I can't get DH to work on my server.
What do I do now?
42 replies
DHDistant Horizons
•Created by 32mace on 12/16/2024 in #help-me
I can't get DH to work on my server.
5. I change to DHS-0.6.1_for_MC-1.21.1 in the server and I also change to DHS-0.6.1_for_MC-1.21.1 for the client
-- DH appears in plugins list
-- DH doesn't load for the client
42 replies
DHDistant Horizons
•Created by 32mace on 12/16/2024 in #help-me
I can't get DH to work on my server.
I created a new server (Spigot 1.21.1 with no mods, 8 sim distance, 16 view distance) and a new client (Fabric 1.21.1 with no mods, 8 sim distance, 16 view distance) to identify what I'm doing wrong. I explored a little with no DH installed on either the client or the server so I can generate chunks on the server. After that, I tried the following:
1. I added DHS-0.6.1_for_MC-1.21.1 in the server (downloaded from the GitLab page under the hyperlink behind the "this server plugin" text, at the 4th dot of the "Server-side Support" post in #help-me ) and DistantHorizons-2.3.0-b-RC1-1.21.1-neo-fabric in the client (this is the version in the "Merged" folder inside the DH-2.3.0-b-RC1_all-jars.7z downloaded from #announcements ).
-- The result is that the first 4 chunks are normal chunks, the next 8 chunks are LOD's, the next 4 chunks are normal chunks again and then no LOD's beyond that distance
-- An error keeps getting spammed in the server console each second regarding DHSupport and some asynchronous chunk loading something something
2. I ran the same build for the server, but for the client I changed to DistantHorizons-2.3.0-b-dev-1.21.1-fabric-neoforge (the version in the "Merged" folder inside the NightlyBuild_1.21.1-77aa4773-2024-12-14T23_35_36-06_00.zip found in #links-n-downloads )
-- When I joined the server, all the chunks in a 16 chunk radius around me were normal chunks, but then after waiting for 5 minutes, the first 4 chunks remained normal chunks then the next 12 chunks turned into LOD's and no other LOD's started appearing beyond
-- No errors in the console this time
3. I changed to DistantHorizons-2.3.0-b-RC1-1.21.1-neo-fabric in the server, and remained with the exact same as previously for the client
-- DH doesn't appear in the plugins list
4. I change to DistantHorizons-2.3.0-b-dev-1.21.1-fabric-neoforge in the server, and remained with the exact same as previously for the client
-- DH doesn't appear in the plugins list
42 replies