AAE📼 Addie’s Analog Emporium 🌐
•Created by YayDanMan on 9/26/2024 in #tech-help
1440p YT Streaming Help - VOD shows 1080p as max quality
Setting a 1440p stream key seems to have done the trick - thanks for the advice :zPositiveStonks:
9 replies
AAE📼 Addie’s Analog Emporium 🌐
•Created by YayDanMan on 9/26/2024 in #tech-help
1440p YT Streaming Help - VOD shows 1080p as max quality
given it's not techincally my account and up until now we've always used restream/aircast so limited to 1080p60 cause of other platforms (FB/Twitch/Kick), will have a dig around in YT studio to see about perhaps setting up a new stream key for 1440p specifically 👍
Edit: All the existing keys were set to RTMP + Variable/Auto settings, given I'm responsible for 1 series broadcasting each week I've setup a new key that specifies it's for 1440p and when setting up next week I'll make sure that key is selected
9 replies
AAE📼 Addie’s Analog Emporium 🌐
•Created by YayDanMan on 9/26/2024 in #tech-help
1440p YT Streaming Help - VOD shows 1080p as max quality

9 replies