Created by Prodigga on 6/13/2024 in #✋|help
⚠⚠ Services inaccessible - is Railway down?
Hi there, all our services are inaccessible at the moment.
42 replies
Created by Prodigga on 6/9/2024 in #✋|help
Should we expect an increase in bandwidth usage with V2 runtime?
No description
102 replies
Created by Prodigga on 6/8/2024 in #✋|help
Slow to connect replica
I am using Uptime Kuma to detect down services. Our game server has a few replicas. And for some reason it seems like one of the replicas are 'slow' to connect to. Using Chrome developer tools I can see that it will randomly take a very long time (1s+) to connect to the replica. I am pinging the health-check endpoint which returns how long the check took. My server responds with <10-20ms, but the request does not resolve for over 1s+. It only randomly happens. I can keep pinging the health-check end point and I get a lot of very quick responses. But every 4-5 attempts hits the 'slow' replica. (I assume). Project ID: 4c3b4b0e-006a-407e-90c7-9c3031cd622f Service: 2077a108-22c6-4367-951d-41afafbfd450 Health-check endpoint is {service url}/health-check Maybe this will resolve on its own soon, I will keep an eye on it. For now I have set the timeout to 5s so we aren't being flodded with alerts.
36 replies
Created by Prodigga on 6/4/2024 in #✋|help
'Cannot redeploy without a snapshot'
Our cron job was working fine, and it seems a few days ago it silently stopped running. Trying to trigger it manually gives an error 'Cannot redeploy without a snapshot'..?
15 replies
Created by Prodigga on 3/14/2024 in #✋|help
Redis Networking/Egress despite using internal networking
No description
95 replies
Created by Prodigga on 3/13/2024 in #✋|help
How to scale up a NodeJS Socket IO server without Session Affinity
Hey there We have a Socket IO server and we'd like the option to scale horizontally, but if I understand correctly this isn't possible without session affinity (handshake process will fail to establish communication?). are we 'locked into' a single service in this case? Project ID N/A
80 replies
Created by Prodigga on 3/12/2024 in #✋|help
RAILWAY_DEPLOYMENT_DRAINING_SECONDS and debugging graceful shutdowns
Hi there, I saw that I could set RAILWAY_DEPLOYMENT_DRAINING_SECONDS to give my change an app to shut down gracefully. I have some logic in there that works fine on Heroku - I can see my dynos cleaning up and shutting down when I scale down my dynos. I see all my clean up logs and messages. When I try the same on Railway, I don't see any logs. I am not sure if my app is gracefully shutting down. I am not sure how to debug this.
64 replies
Created by Prodigga on 3/11/2024 in #✋|help
Health Check 404
Hi, I am unable to enable healthchecks for a couple of my services. It says there is a 404 error. However, I know for a fact the route works because I deployed the service with healthchecks disabled, visited the endpoint and get the correct response. If I redeploy with healthchecks, it fails with a 404. Project: 4c3b4b0e-006a-407e-90c7-9c3031cd622f Service: f6915c98-d684-42e5-b29b-af4858fb7553
10 replies
Created by Prodigga on 1/15/2024 in #✋|help
Can't add Cron Schedule
Howdy Project ID: 4c3b4b0e-006a-407e-90c7-9c3031cd622f I am unable to add cron schedule to a service via the dashboard. Hitting the Checkmark doesn't do anything. Unsure what I am doing wrong!
30 replies