Pinia state leaks across browser sessions
I think you might be right. But let's say I make the navbar client only (which uses some auth logic) it would jump into the page which is not so nice. I think I'd have to just remove the cache rules and see if that works out.
54 replies
Pinia state leaks across browser sessions
If you look in their docs, they now say that the npm package is "pinia-plugin-persistedstate".
54 replies
Pinia state leaks across browser sessions
I think that is because you are using an older version of the module. Since 4.0.0 it has updated to piniaPluginPersistedstate (
54 replies
Pinia state leaks across browser sessions
I do indeed use the nuxt module. It is very hard to reproduce since it happens only happens occasionally. For now, I decided to just use a custom composable where the state is stored with instead of a pinia store. See if we will run into it again. If so, it must be something completely different.
54 replies
Frontend middleware auth with backend auth
I believe your solution would only work client side. I would make the plugin a client only plugin and the route middleware only run on the client (by checking import.meta.server and early returning). See if that helps you any further
12 replies
Pinia state leaks across browser sessions
We unfortunately encountered the same issue so this didn't seem to be the fix. Do you maybe have any other idea's that could cause this? It's very hard to reproduce this since it only happens once in a while and I am not sure what circumstances cause this to happen.
54 replies