Explicit import from local Layer
Hi! I am migrating a Nuxt app to a layered architecture because we want to create a second application with a lot of the same core code, just some pages that are different. I migrated the folder structure to the following:
- pnpm-workspace.yaml
- package.json
- packages
- autoatlas (website1)
- nuxt.config.ts
- package.json
- leaseboer (website2)
- nuxt.config.ts
- package.json
- base (shared code)
- ***
- nuxt.config.ts
- package.json
For now I moved the code of our current website into base, but only moved the pages in the autoatlas layer. The autoatlas layer and leasboer layer both extend the base layer.
The autoatlas layer runs but I have some explicit imports that now do not resolve anymore. I for example need to explicitly import a store from autoatlas that is located in the base layer.
So my basic question is, how do I explicitly import something from another layer?
11 replies
Clear nitro route cache programatically
Hi! I would like to clear some cache programatically in a Nitro handler so another service can call this route to clear a certain part of the cache. I currently have the following code:
I fetch the keys for debugging purposes. When fetching the keys, I do receive the correct keys that are cached but the clear method doesn't seem to do much? When I look in the nitro cache folder locally, the files are still there.
What am I doing wrong?
6 replies
Auto import not working inside template
I have an issue where certain auto imports like vue utilities (like toValue for example) aren't available in between the template tag but only in the script tag. Also some of my own functions which I have inside the utils folder aren't auto imported if I use it in between the template tags.
Is this to be expected? I thought it worked fine before Vue Language Server V2
1 replies
Pinia state leaks across browser sessions
I have a pretty severe issue where data stored in Pinia is sometimes leaked across requests. I have a store that is persisted in cookies using the @pinia-plugin-persistedstate package. The state of this is sometimes set across all users so all users have the same pinia data. Even though their cookies are empty, when looking at the state is set to that of another user.
Any idea's how this can accur?
54 replies
Multiple pixels using Nuxt Scripts
We are currently working with a external marketing team that asks from us to also setup their google tag (and meta) tag on our website.
I currently have something like this in the app.vue file:
I can see that they are both installed and I can send custom events to either one of these but the automatic pageview event is only send to one gtag id.
I would however like to automatically send the pageview events to both tags. How can I achieve this? Thanks in advance!
5 replies
Embeddable components
Hello, I would like to make a component in my app embeddable to other websites. I would like for the interface to look something like this:
It would be great to have this within the same codebase as my nuxt 3 application. What would be the best way to achieve this?
4 replies
Check inside plugin if running in dev mode
I have created a plugin that sends nuxt/vue errors using some hooks to Sentry. I do however not want to send these errors if I started the server in dev mode.
What is the best way to check if I'm in dev move inside my plugin? (I do have both a regular Nuxt (client) plugin and a Nitro plugin). Is using environment variables the best way to check in this case?
1 replies
Check if error page has loaded
Hi all, I'm currently implementing the Sentry report dialog modal. I have a client plugin that initializes and configures Sentry. In here I have configured that the report dialog will be shown if there is an exception before sending the event to Sentry.
It works fine but it now shows it on all errors (even silent ones). I would want it to only show when the error page is loaded. How can I check in a client plugin if the error page has loaded?
My basic setup is like the following:
1 replies