Ene "Splash" Adrian
Auto payment for a vehicle inspection
Hello guys, i have a project to do for a car garage website. They have that vehicle periodical inspection (in UK it's M.O.T i think). What i need to do is a calendar with a payment button, the payment pretty sure it will be done with Stripe but for the calendar i have no idea what should i use. The idea is simple, a super boring calendar with data, and an input with important infos (name, vehicle year, car brand ...). What should i use to store that data so i can mark the data/hour as unavailable? Pretty sure i have to do an admin page too so they can see who's next. In the past i've used Strapi as a headless CMS, could that be an option for both (storing data and admin panel)? Thanks for your time.
6 replies
Auto payment for a vehicle inspection
Hello guys, i have a project to do for a car garage website. They have that vehicle periodical inspection (in UK it's M.O.T i think). What i need to do is a calendar with a payment button, the payment pretty sure it will be done with Stripe but for the calendar i have no idea what should i use. The idea is simple, a super boring calendar with data, and an input with important infos (name, vehicle year, car brand ...). What should i use to store that data so i can mark the data/hour as unavailable? Pretty sure i have to do an admin page too so they can see who's next. In the past i've used Strapi as a headless CMS, could that be an option for both (storing data and admin panel)? Thanks for your time.
3 replies
Strapi service sometimes is not working
Hello guys, I have a website with React + Strapi, React is deployed on Vercel and Strapi on Railway. Sometimes when I'm opening the frontend website (the one from vercel, let's say domain.com) the website is not loading. In the console, I have a "Failed to load resource: the server responded with a status of 401 ()" error and an error from ApolloClient (the data cannot be loaded). Then if I'm going to admin.domain.com/admin (the link for the Strapi dashboard) or any link from Strapi (admin.domain.com/graphql etc.) and then i'm refreshing the main website (domain.com) it kinda works 🙂 So the problem is the Strapi server (i think?). I'm using Postgres as a database, is there a default setup to make it sleep after x time if it's not used?
30 replies
Strapi app deploy
Hello guys, i did a website for someone with React and Strapi+GraphQL.
Now i have to make it live but i'm a beginner and i have some questions:
1. In my pc i have Strapi in a folder and React in another folder, will be possible to make it run both on Railway?
2. If i'll buy a developer plan will be enough to run my website? It's kinda small, up to 40 pages, ~500 images in strapi
3. I can use Railway as a hosting service? I mean if i can connect my domain to the railway deployment and make it run.
Thanks a lot for your time
28 replies