Created by veritablequandary on 6/13/2024 in #✋|help
Missing expected logs in log viewer
7cefc572-a23b-4221-b938-e28e7030e285 Running a simple NODE.JS application; not using any structured logging libraries or anything like that, just simple text logging with console.log() and console.error(). I haven't worked on my project in a few weeks, so I'm wondering if this is a new thing with V2 runtime or something, but I'm not seeing expected logs in the log viewer. I'm console logging "startup complete" message on app startup but seeing a blank info log entry in the logs; when the app encountered an error it should have logged out the error with console.error() but I just got a "container died" message I've never seen before. A bit hard to debug things if I can't see any of the log output :)
6 replies
Created by veritablequandary on 5/23/2024 in #✋|help
Intermittent network (DNS?) errors
This morning I woke up to some strange network-related errors. I am running a small Node.js application, which pulls data from a Redis service in the same project once per minute. Based on the results of that Redis query, an HTTP API is queried (I use the Axios.js library for web requests). At 22:38:03 PST, I received the following error: AxiosError: connect EHOSTUNREACH I have confirmed via third party and also via a separate application on a different service that the API was reachable at the indicated time. The application restarted, and I immediately received the following error repeatedly: Error: getaddrinfo ENOTFOUND redis.railway.internal at 22:38:11, 22:38:16, :21, :26, :32, :38, :47, 39:03, and 39:32 before the restart limit was reached. The application references the redis.railway.internal address via an environment variable, so it is clear the variable itself is working properly. The confluence of these two errors, targeting two separate services/addresses, beginning at the same time suggests a potential issue (DNS?) on the backend at this time. I restarted the application at 07:16 this morning and the once-per-minute Redis call and external API calls are both proceeding without issue thus far.
64 replies