Missing expected logs in log viewer

7cefc572-a23b-4221-b938-e28e7030e285 Running a simple NODE.JS application; not using any structured logging libraries or anything like that, just simple text logging with console.log() and console.error(). I haven't worked on my project in a few weeks, so I'm wondering if this is a new thing with V2 runtime or something, but I'm not seeing expected logs in the log viewer. I'm console logging "startup complete" message on app startup but seeing a blank info log entry in the logs; when the app encountered an error it should have logged out the error with console.error() but I just got a "container died" message I've never seen before. A bit hard to debug things if I can't see any of the log output :)
@veritablequandary - sorry for the late reply, but all known logging issues on the v2 runtime have been fixed
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4 Replies
Percy4w ago
Project ID: 7cefc572-a23b-4221-b938-e28e7030e285
May not be related, but a message I'm used to seeing on one line is now coming through as four separate log events ;)
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Brody4w ago
known issue with the v2 runtime, this issue is being actively worked on!
Brody6d ago
@veritablequandary - sorry for the late reply, but all known logging issues on the v2 runtime have been fixed