Celengan Babi
Questions about scalability
I have a use-case in my project where I have to deploy a new instance of a service (based on a Docker image) that should be spawn individually for each of the user of my webapp.
Estimated usage would be around 300 to 500 services in total per month.
I'm planning to use Railway public API to programmatically create/deploy a new service for each active subscribers.
Each of those services will use exactly the same base Docker image, except different values in their build arguments.
Depending on the user's active subscription status at the end of their billing period, the service should either be kept active, or be shut down.
Is this kind of use-case feasible to be done on Railway?
How's your experience so far in this matter?
Would be great if someone can share their experience.
Thank you very much!
38 replies
Shared Volume
Is it possible to have to share a volume to more than 1 services on Railway?
If not, what would be the alternatives?
I have a use-case that needs to share a volume among different services.
I would prefer to use internal volume to avoid egress costs.
12 replies
Headless MetaTrader 5 instance using VNC
I wanted to deploy a headless MetaTrader 5 instance using a Docker image.
The Docker image contains VNC support which the user can access for initial setup (only for confirming the user login during the first time).
There does not seem to be any other way to let the user login without accessing the VNC because it requires the user to confirm the auth page in the initial setup.
Once the user has confirmed his credentials, then VNC is not needed anymore.
I want to confirm this to Railway team since afaik VNC is strictly forbidden in Railway.
But considering the use-case in which the user only needs to perform VNC login just once, is this allowed? Or will I risk getting banned if I deploy any VNC-capable Docker images?
Thank you very much.
15 replies