Created by jeff on 6/13/2024 in #✋|help
How do i get better server performance?
I recently had to migrate a project to digital ocean due to slow performance. My question is not really project specific. I have put a few "trial projects" on railway and noticed they are not very performant vs when i deploy the identical dockerimage to minimum spec digital ocean for example. Is there some way I can pay for a better or dedicated host? The plan says "32 GB RAM / 32 vCPU per service". I'm not taking a dig at railway here, i genuinly want a solution so i can start use the platform more.
21 replies
Created by jeff on 5/16/2024 in #✋|help
staging a volume with some existing data
im wanting to create a new project on railway. but it has an "uploads" folder with a bunch of data i need to put in it for the pp to work. I can see that raiwlay has volumes. but i can't see a way that i can easily copy files in or out of the volumes. is there any best practice here? any guides/blogs/articles you can link me to? or do i need to rework the appication to use s3 or similar before putting on railway?
27 replies
Created by jeff on 5/7/2024 in #✋|help
I have a simple CRA. i have added public domain. when trying to browse it says Nothing is here.
nothing is in the logs
26 replies
Created by jeff on 3/10/2024 in #✋|help
configuring volume permissions
I'm having trouble getting my php app (not laravel) to have write permission to a volume. i've consulted the docs here ( it says the volumes are mounted with root permission. I've enabled the flag mentioned. But it still mounts as root. What is the best practice here and how can I achieve PHP process write permission. surely its not a good idea to run PHP as root? is there a template/guide I can use or follow where this works out of the box?
3 replies
Created by jeff on 3/7/2024 in #✋|help
ENOTFOUND redis.railway.internal
First time using railway. I'm on team plan which says it supports private networking. I have a simple nodejs application and a redis service. I've shared the redis variables as per the guide. project id is: 32ae1873-09b1-4c70-ae4b-ca9b93e854da is something broken or am i missing something? import Redis from "ioredis"; const redis = new Redis(process.env.REDIS_URL); REDIS_URL is shared from the service as ${{Redis.REDIS_PRIVATE_URL}}
70 replies