DHDistant Horizons
•Created by Schemb on 8/15/2024 in #help-me
DH Crashing with Sodium and Indium 1.21.1 Mac M1
Yeah that's my guess. It's a segfault somewhere but I don't think there's really much I can do about it. I think I'll wait a week and see if it's just because 1.21.1 is so new and otherwise I will try the iris server. Thanks for the help though
67 replies
DHDistant Horizons
•Created by Schemb on 8/15/2024 in #help-me
DH Crashing with Sodium and Indium 1.21.1 Mac M1
Just tried it with Sodium 0.6.0 and no Indium. It has exited at world load again, BUT this time it generated a crash report instead of just vanishing so that's progress.
Error Code 6
A fatal error has been detected by the Java Runtime Environment:
SIGSEGV (0xb) at pc=0x00000001e81061a8, pid=2507, tid=259
JRE version: OpenJDK Runtime Environment Microsoft-9388422 (21.0.3+9) (build 21.0.3+9-LTS)
Java VM: OpenJDK 64-Bit Server VM Microsoft-9388422 (21.0.3+9-LTS, mixed mode, tiered, compressed oops, compressed class ptrs, g1 gc, bsd-aarch64)
Problematic frame:
C [GLEngine+0x1201a8] gleRunVertexSubmitImmediate+0x18cc
No core dump will be written. Core dumps have been disabled. To enable core dumping, try "ulimit -c unlimited" before starting Java again
67 replies
DHDistant Horizons
•Created by Schemb on 8/15/2024 in #help-me
DH Crashing with Sodium and Indium 1.21.1 Mac M1
I'll give it a go, but if it doesn't work, is it just a case of waiting for the mods to catch up to the version?
67 replies
DHDistant Horizons
•Created by Schemb on 8/15/2024 in #help-me
DH Crashing with Sodium and Indium 1.21.1 Mac M1
That seems to be the only version of sodium available for 1.21.1?
67 replies
DHDistant Horizons
•Created by Schemb on 8/15/2024 in #help-me
DH Crashing with Sodium and Indium 1.21.1 Mac M1
I'm going to kick myself if it's that easy of a fix...
67 replies