Disable resource form while editing but enable relation managers?
I've also used disabled for this as well.
Then I would use a policy as a conditional lfor the form to be disabled....
Trickling down this would conflict with Filemanet inheriting the policies, So I add a custom policy functtion canManageModelFields, canManageModelRelationShips,
then the user is allowed to edit the title, yet not the addresses (relation), but tthey are allowed to edit the 'links' relationship....
Sorry for the typos.... It's Friday and I had to deploy today 🙂
To summarize my question on this: Do you have any tips on solving granular customisation through polices in filament (so the rest of my app can follow )?
Kind Regards, Y .
6 replies
Column Not Found SQL ERROR
this is Laravel relationships and not filament related. Your screenshots suggest you have a hasOne->contact relation ship and you are assigning an array of contact_ids which suggest you are implementing an hasMany->contacts
17 replies
display of the contributions of the logged in user
That is handled by Laravel Policies -> https://laravel.com/docs/10.x/authorization#creating-policies
Filament just respects the policies
3 replies
How to make first column sticky?
Have you tried @awcodes https://github.com/awcodes/filament-sticky-header ? He's pretty active on this Discord, and quite familiar with filament.
Here's the filamentphp plugin page: https://v2.filamentphp.com/plugins/sticky-headers
If the package does not work as you like, you can easely use it as a core,
Find this element : "fi-ta-table " <- your table, find the thead child of the table, make it sticky using javascript.
Here's the documentation on enabling your javascript within filament:
If you for some reason need some more CSS you can find the docs on the same pagem Good luck!
4 replies
Check if dark mode is enabled
I really suggest you do read the documentation tough:
It's all there ....
Further down you'll be told how you can extend the filament theme with your own css
21 replies
Check if dark mode is enabled
Filament does not use pink as far as I found. Try adding a Div with classes:”h-20 2-20 bg-pink-600”. If you can’t see it and your watcher is running (npm dev) I suggest you go over the documentation on theming until any custom css works. (Aka the div shows up)
21 replies
Sending Notifications On a Filament Page
Got a solution if anyone is keeping up with this, I checked the code from filament breezy, thumbs up! if i didnt need breeze itself I wouldve installed it 😄
Adding this to the profileForm fixes the fill
37 replies