How to make first column sticky?

How do i make first column sticky so that if i do horizontal scrolling first column will stay there
2 Replies
Yasser2y ago
Have you tried @awcodes ? He's pretty active on this Discord, and quite familiar with filament. Here's the filamentphp plugin page: If the package does not work as you like, you can easely use it as a core, Find this element : "fi-ta-table " <- your table, find the thead child of the table, make it sticky using javascript. Here's the documentation on enabling your javascript within filament: If you for some reason need some more CSS you can find the docs on the same pagem Good luck!
GitHub - awcodes/filament-sticky-header: A Filament Panels plugin t...
A Filament Panels plugin to make headers sticky when scrolling. - GitHub - awcodes/filament-sticky-header: A Filament Panels plugin to make headers sticky when scrolling.
Sticky Headers by Adam Weston - Plugins - Filament
A Filament Admin plugin to make headers sticky when scrolling. Does not work in Safari < v16.
RobertoOP2y ago
thanks for the info. i will try

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