Filamentβ€’17mo ago

Check if dark mode is enabled

Hello, Is there a way to check whether the dark mode is enabled or not? why I want this, is to set the correct logo color, I have dark and light logo color Thanks
14 Replies
Dan Harrin
Dan Harrinβ€’17mo ago
using the dark: tailwind variant
BKF Devβ€’17mo ago
Thanks πŸ™‚ But what about blade ? I'm using the brand blade
toekneeβ€’17mo ago
You can't do it in a blade, render both images one disabled on dark, one enabled on light
BKF Devβ€’17mo ago
Could you please show me an example ? πŸ™‚
toekneeβ€’17mo ago
It depends where you are showing it, but dark:hidden on the light logo, and dark:visible on the dark logo
Yasserβ€’17mo ago
Is your logo an SVG ? do you want to change the fillcolor with CSS ? or do you have 2 logos ? if 2 logos ^ toeknee
<img src="./logos/light.svg" alt="light mode logo" class="dark:hidden">
<img src="./logos/dark.svg" alt="dark mode logo" class="hidden dark:block">
<img src="./logos/light.svg" alt="light mode logo" class="dark:hidden">
<img src="./logos/dark.svg" alt="dark mode logo" class="hidden dark:block">
BKF Devβ€’17mo ago
Yes I have two logos Thanks a lot πŸ™‚
Yasserβ€’17mo ago
No problem πŸ™‚
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Unknown Userβ€’16mo ago
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Johnβ€’16mo ago
Define "not working" please. Are both showing all the time? Does it stay light all the time? You could try with something else besides the logo, e.g. <div class="text-blue-500 dark:text-red-500">test</div>, does that work?
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Unknown Userβ€’16mo ago
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Yasserβ€’16mo ago
Filament does not use pink as far as I found. Try adding a Div with classes:”h-20 2-20 bg-pink-600”. If you can’t see it and your watcher is running (npm dev) I suggest you go over the documentation on theming until any custom css works. (Aka the div shows up)
Yasserβ€’16mo ago
I really suggest you do read the documentation tough:
When the user toggles between dark or light mode, a browser event called dark-mode-toggled is dispatched. You can listen to it:
When the user toggles between dark or light mode, a browser event called dark-mode-toggled is dispatched. You can listen to it:
x-data="{ mode: 'light' }"
x-on:dark-mode-toggled.window="mode = $event.detail"
<span x-show="mode === 'light'">
Light mode

<span x-show="mode === 'dark'">
Dark mode
x-data="{ mode: 'light' }"
x-on:dark-mode-toggled.window="mode = $event.detail"
<span x-show="mode === 'light'">
Light mode

<span x-show="mode === 'dark'">
Dark mode
https://filamentphp.com/docs/2.x/admin/appearance#changing-the-brand-logo It's all there .... Further down you'll be told how you can extend the filament theme with your own css
Appearance - Admin Panel - Filament
The elegant TALL stack admin panel for Laravel artisans.
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Unknown Userβ€’16mo ago
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