Clear RichText input after action
Hi All,
I have a table action to view details, the action opens modal which has a RichText input to update a related model, this is working fine. When I submit the form I need to clear/empty the RichText input... any ideas, Google and LLMs have not got me to a solution yet 😦
Cheers, Tee
11 replies
Dashboard widgets: drag and drop
Hi All,
Is there a plugin or learning resources to configure a dashboard page to have the widgets be drag and drop by users to allow them to customise the dashboard widgets included and their layout/order?
Cheers, Tee
11 replies
Move "Save changes" button to sit between fields
Is it possible to render the form buttons "Save changes" and "Cancel" so they sit between 2 fields instead of bottom or top of form?
I have my form which is made up of a text input, a code editor and a section that contains a fieldset which contains 3 checkbox lists. The check box lists are live so I'd like to put the save button before the section... any ideas?
Cheers, Tee
12 replies
Displaying CheckboxList across multiple Fieldsets using relationship
I have Fleets, Vessels and RemoteScripts.
A RemoteScript belongs to many Vessels via a pivot table, a Vessel belongs to a Fleet.
When I do
CheckboxList::make('vessels')->('vessels', 'name')
it works and displays all the Vessels in the list, checking and unchecking boxes is reflected in the pivot table. But I would like to display each CheckboxList in a Fieldset for each Fleet.
Between Google and GPT I have got this
This lists each CheckboxList in a Fieldset for each Fleet but the pivot table is not updating nor are the records in the pivot table reflected in the checkboxes.
I have seen ->saveRelationshipsUsing()
, is this something that will help resolve this issue?
Cheers, Tee5 replies
Pass URL parameter from Page to Widget
I have a page that calls a widget
I want to pass a variable via the URL to the widget so I can filter the widget data -
How can I collect "fleet" in the VesselLocationGoogleMapWidget?
3 replies
Use Filament Shield to manage access to Table Actions
I did some research and some GPT prompts but found nothing useful so far... Is it possible to block / allow access to Table Actions using Filament Shield? Or will it be better to use
Cheers, Tee21 replies