Minor layout issue
I noticed in light mode the grey line at the base of the header is "broken" by the scroll bar, is this a bug/mistake or an issue in my code? Doesn't look so bad in dark mode... to me it would look cleaner if the scrollbar started 1 pixel further down?
Cheers, Tee

11 Replies
What version exactly and run: npm run build
Please update it.
will do

same I'm afraid
and you ran npm run build?
no, why would I need to do that please? I dont have node installed
npm is used to re-compiled and deploy the assets.
php artisan fillament:upgrade
Are you using a plugin for those scrollbars? Otherwise I believe the problem is because that line is actually a shadow in the topbar and sidebar has a higher z-index. Not sure of a way to fix that without overriding the topbar to have no shadow and a bottom border in a custom theme.