Displaying CheckboxList across multiple Fieldsets using relationship

I have Fleets, Vessels and RemoteScripts. A RemoteScript belongs to many Vessels via a pivot table, a Vessel belongs to a Fleet. When I do CheckboxList::make('vessels')->('vessels', 'name') it works and displays all the Vessels in the list, checking and unchecking boxes is reflected in the pivot table. But I would like to display each CheckboxList in a Fieldset for each Fleet. Between Google and GPT I have got this
...$fleets->map(function ($fleet) {
return Fieldset::make($fleet->name)
->options($fleet->vessels->pluck('name', 'id'))
...$fleets->map(function ($fleet) {
return Fieldset::make($fleet->name)
->options($fleet->vessels->pluck('name', 'id'))
This lists each CheckboxList in a Fieldset for each Fleet but the pivot table is not updating nor are the records in the pivot table reflected in the checkboxes. I have seen ->saveRelationshipsUsing(), is this something that will help resolve this issue? Cheers, Tee
@Dennis Koch I managed to fudge something together... I won't post the code cos its a mess but if someone did have the same problem I am happy to share it πŸ™‚ I ended up using afterStateUpdated, default and afterStateHydrated to get it going how I wanted... probs a better way but for now I just needed the functionality πŸ‘
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2 Replies
Dennis Koch
Dennis Kochβ€’3mo ago
Currently it works because you use ->relationship() right? If you want to split your CheckboxLists up, you need to save the data yourself. Best to just overwrite the save() method of that page and combine them there
TheRealTeeHillβ€’3mo ago
@Dennis Koch I managed to fudge something together... I won't post the code cos its a mess but if someone did have the same problem I am happy to share it πŸ™‚ I ended up using afterStateUpdated, default and afterStateHydrated to get it going how I wanted... probs a better way but for now I just needed the functionality πŸ‘

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