DHDistant Horizons
Created by Natalya on 11/8/2023 in #bug-report
If folder to SQLite database is unreadable, SQLite spams stacktrace in logs at ~20hz
I don't want to save LODs for certain servers, so I set the permissions on the corresponding folder to be inaccessible. I'd understand a logged error or two, but ~20 times per second indefinitely seems like a not very graceful way to handle it.
7 replies
DHDistant Horizons
Created by Natalya on 12/20/2022 in #bug-report
10-20 second lag spike when changing dimension
The easiest example is going through a portal, but multiworld setups also do it. It seems to be proportional to the amount of explored chunks (tested in multiplayer, have not tested in singleplayer). I'm using DH 1.6.9a on 1.19.2 I used perf to trace what was eating so much time and found the render thread pretty much idle while LodDimensionFil was dominant, with ~half it's time in shaded.tukaani.xz.lz.Matches shaded.tukaani.xz.lz.HC4.getMatches. It seems DH blocks everything while it saves to disk? Perhaps we could do that asynchronously, or perhaps solving issue 250 would be good enough. I do have other mods installed, so I'll get you a cleaner trace with just DH if you want.
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