If folder to SQLite database is unreadable, SQLite spams stacktrace in logs at ~20hz

I don't want to save LODs for certain servers, so I set the permissions on the corresponding folder to be inaccessible. I'd understand a logged error or two, but ~20 times per second indefinitely seems like a not very graceful way to handle it.
5 Replies
Natalya9mo ago
I've accidentally left it running a few minutes before and had a 2.3GB log file
Natalya8mo ago
Should I do a merge request?
Natalya8mo ago
Tested on Fabric 1.20.2, it just prints the stack trace once per level load
BackSun8mo ago
Uhhh. This is a bit of an unusual use case. But if you can send a merge request I’ll take a look at it
Natalya8mo ago
This is the one I've been procrastinating... Worth noting that making the folder inaccessible for singleplayer just crashes the game on world load both with and without this patch.