Explore posts from serversChange Bulk Action Visibility Based on Selected Row's field value
Is it possible to change Bulk Action Visiblity based on selected row's attributes? For example, i want to show "Desfazer" Bulk Action only if selected row's Fl_finalizado = true. i tried the following code, but it keeps me showing the error App\Filament\Resources\SorteioResource::App\Filament\Resources{closure}(): Argument #1 ($records) must be of type Illuminate\Support\Collection, null given.
also tried this to avoid the error, but the action never shows:
2 replies
Example of Edit Dropdown
Hey'all, i'm currently looking for a UDropdown model to use in my table. the dropdown should have edit and delete options; edit should open the edit model declared on parent and delete should call delete function also on parent. I have few experience with nuxt3/composition api, how do you aproach this situations?
4 replies
Disable specific relationship operations on form
I'm tring to create a form for my table Endereco.
Endereco belongs to Cidade Cidade belongs to Estado Im am using 'cidade' relation just to load data from database in my 'estado_id' input, but i don't want to change anything about this relationship when sending the form. I tried to pass false as second argument of relationship() method, but it tried to delete the row instead of doing nothing. Here is the gist with my form:
Endereco belongs to Cidade Cidade belongs to Estado Im am using 'cidade' relation just to load data from database in my 'estado_id' input, but i don't want to change anything about this relationship when sending the form. I tried to pass false as second argument of relationship() method, but it tried to delete the row instead of doing nothing. Here is the gist with my form:
4 replies
Relation Manager Not beeing Rendered
I have one week experience with filament and i created some relation managers for test, but none of them are working... Here is DocumentosRelationManager as example. My first step to create was use this command:
My second step was add the manager in my resource AlunoResource:
Did i miss something? It seems like is not beeing rendered att all. it does not show any error, but it does not appear on screen. Even if i change $relations variable in DocumentosRelationMager to a nonexistent one, nothing happens.
Here is Gists with full code and thank you for time:
9 replies